An elegant statue of a deer with impressive antlers, representing a blend of artistry and nature in its depiction.

We Are Called to Do More

Values-Based, Student-Centric, Outcomes-Focused

Student sitting on library steps listening to a professor on a beautiful sunny day.
Jesuit through mission, transformative by design.
Among The Best
  • Class of 2028 Applicant Pool Sets New Records
    Including Most Competitive Admit Rate of 33%.
  • Top 1% for long-term value
    Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
  • 99% of Graduates Secured Full-Time Employment
    Over the last eight years, more than 99% of graduates have secured full-time employment or have enrolled in a graduate or professional school.

Asking Important Questions, Creating New Possibilities

Find your purpose through meaningful inquiry and reflection.

Student Spotlight

Caring for the Whole Person

A community grounded in radical hospitality.

Happening at Fairfield

Four people stand before a "PBR Bridgeport, CT" sign, highlighting their visit to this notable location.
Business Meets Bull Riding: Students Survey the Rodeo Crowd

Grad students in Fairfield's online MS in Marketing Analytics and Strategy (MAS) program developed a capstone project to survey fan experience at Professional Bull Riders (PBR) events.

Fairfield News

Upcoming Events

There is always something educational, spiritual, or exciting happening at Fairfield University.

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Among the Best
Top 125 in Best National Universities
U.S. News & World Report, 2024

Define your path