Co-curricular learning complements the traditional academic experience and, in the context of Jesuit education, is essential to the overall educational experience and the personal development of students.

Sustained and active participation in clubs and organizations provide students with real-world experiential learning opportunities that complements and supplements learning that takes place inside the classroom.  Faculty and staff advisors facilitate this learning by mentoring, advising, and supporting student leaders as they take on greater and more active leadership roles on campus and in their local communities.  Student organizations play an important role in shaping the overall student experience and campus community through their advocacy, philanthropy, community events and programs, as well as their contributions to creating a stronger, more diverse, and active campus community.

Student leaders participating in leadership roles in student organizations, under the proper guidance and with adequate support, have the opportunity to develop multiple skills and leadership competencies including, but not limited to, self-understanding/development, problem-solving, decision-making, initiative, follow-through, responding to ambiguity/change, planning, resiliency, conflict negotiation, goal setting, collaboration, mentoring, organizational behavior, power dynamics, ethics, personal values, personal contributions, group development, creating change, and social responsibility.

Recognized student organizations are officially sanctioned by Fairfield University and are, therefore, eligible to receive all the benefits and privileges afforded to student organizations upon completion of all required steps to initiate a new organization and/or the annual registration renewal process for existing organizations.  In order to be recognized by the University, student organizations must first be recognized by the Fairfield University Student Association (FUSA) via Club Operations and Student Organizations (COSO), and then by the Office of Student Engagement and the University.

The Office of Student Engagement oversees and manages all University-wide student organization-related policies. The office is located in the lower level of the John A. Barone Campus Center, Suite 96, and can be reached at or by calling 203-254-4053.

Club Operations and Student Organizations set COSO policies and procedures as long as they do not contradict or negate the policies set forth in this handbook.

For the most up-to-date list of active, recognized student organizations, please click here or log into Life@Fairfield using your NetID and Password.

Scope of Policies

The policies of the Clubs and Organizations section of the Student Handbook apply to all recognized and unrecognized student organizations on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, FUSA recognized student organizations, club sports teams, department-sanctioned organizations, or any other organization which operates on campus, regardless of University recognition status.



  • Recognized student organizations have gone through the official recognition or reinstatement process and are therefore recognized by Fairfield University as officially sanctioned student organizations of the Fairfield University campus community. 
  • Recognized student organizations are eligible to receive all the benefits and privileges afforded to student organizations by the Office of Student Engagement and Club Operations and Student Organizations


  • Student organizations that have not gone through the official recognition or reinstatement process, or have been dissolved due to inactivity, or disbanded for violation of University policies, are not officially recognized by Fairfield University, and are therefore not considered sanctioned student organizations by the Fairfield University campus community. 
  • Non-recognized student organizations are not eligible to receive any of the benefits and privileges that recognized student organizations receive, as outlined below. 

Good Standing:

  • Student organizations are considered in good standing with the University if they meet the below requirements for continued recognition and comply with all policies and procedures set forth by the University. 

Not in Good Standing:

  • Student organizations are considered not in good standing with the University if they do not meet the below requirements and/or are in non-compliance with the policies and/or procedures set forth by Fairfield University. 


  • Student organizations are considered active if they renew each fall and spring semester and keep their Life@Fairfield portal up to date. 


  • Student organizations are considered inactive if they do not renew their Life@Fairfield portal within the first (4) four weeks of the beginning of the fall or spring semester.


  • Any club that fails to adhere to Club Operations and Student Organizations (COSO) compliance policies will be locked on Life@Fairfield.

Benefits of Recognition

Officially recognized student organizations in good standing with the University enjoy the following benefits: 

  • Access to funding via Club Operations and Student Organizations and Fairfield University Student Association. 
  • Ability to reserve rooms, spaces, and other related services for club-related activities.
  • Ability to publicize and advertise for club-related activities on and off campus.
  • Ability to recruit members using the club's name.
  • Conduct fundraising activities on or off campus.
  • Use of the Fairfield University Life@Fairfield portal. 
  • Use the University's name in association with the name of the student organization, provided use of the University's name is in accordance with stated policies about the name, logo, and trademarks.
  • Be listed as an active student organization in official publications of Fairfield University and other marketing materials.
  • Access to co-sponsorship opportunities for club-related activities with other organizations or University offices and departments.
  • Participation in leadership recognition events, conferences, and activities.

Requirements of Continued Recognition

  • A current constitution/charter that clearly outlines the framework and governance structure of the organization. 
  • All organizations are required to submit any constitution/bylaw amendments to COSO and the Office of Student Engagement upon passage by the organization. 
  • A regularly updated and active Life@Fairfield portal which includes:
  • Updated Positions (Officers and Advisors) for the portals
  • Updated membership rosters
  • Creation of Life@Fairfield Events for all club events/meetings/performances
  • Usage of Life@Fairfield News Posts to communicate with club members
  • Submission of all budget requests via Finance component of the organization’s Life@Fairfield portal
  • Attend all scheduled leadership training programs or meetings as required by COSO/Office of Student Engagement.
  • Manage COSO allocated funds & Club Savings in a responsible manner in accordance with University, Student Engagement, and COSO policies. 
  • Have representation at all activities fairs or other University functions (e.g., Admitted Students Day, Open Houses) as requested.
  • Submit all appropriate paperwork involving club-related travel.
  • Agree to comply with all University policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Exemption from Membership Roster Requirement

Student organizations seeking to be exempt from the membership roster requirement must notify the Office of Student Engagement upon renewing the organization each year or upon initial recognition by the University.

Reviving Inactive Organizations

  • Students seeking to revive a student organization that has been deemed inactive for less than one academic year must complete the whole reinstatement packet and submit the following items to COSO and the Office of Student Engagement for consideration:
    • Revised constitution/charter
    • New Advisor Agreement Form
    • Names of students in officer roles (must have at least two officers)
    • Updated Membership Roster (must have at least 10 members)
    • Present a detailed plan to members of COSO explaining how new leadership will ensure the organization remains active beyond their first year.

Dissolution of Inactive Organizations

  • Student organizations that are deemed inactive, and remain Inactive for greater than one full academic year will officially be dissolved and will no longer be recognized by the University. 
  • Any funds left in a dissolved student organization Savings Account will be absorbed by Club Operations and Student Organizations/Graduate Student Senate and redistributed to active student organizations. 
  • Anyone hoping to revive dissolved organizations must go through the full “New Student Organization” recognition process outlined below.

Students who wish to create a new student organization are encouraged and welcomed to do so, in accordance with the following criteria and procedures.

Students wishing to create a new student organization for undergraduate students should download the How to Start a Club” packet, fill it out, and return it, along with any additional supplemental materials, to the appropriate governing bodies.

For undergraduate student organizations, all application materials should be returned to COSO, located in the FUSA office in the lower level of the John A. Barone Campus Center, or the Office of Student Engagement, located in Suite 096 in the lower level of the John A. Barone Campus Center. Application materials may also be found on Life@Fairfield on COSO's portal and may be submitted electronically but please let COSO know once they are complete.

For graduate student organizations, all application materials should be returned to the Office of Student Engagement, located in Suite 096 in the lower level of the John. A. Barone Campus Center, or via email at The Office will then send the application materials onto the sitting Senators of the Graduate Student Senate for consideration.

Criteria for Recognizing New Student Organizations

The University will only recognize new student organizations if they meet the following criteria:

    • Unique: Purpose/mission of proposed student organization must not overlap with purpose/mission of an existing recognized student organization.
    • Adequate Interest: There is adequate student interest in the proposed student organization.
    • Undue Burden: A proposed organization must not put an undue financial burden or safety risk on students or the University.
    • Contribution to University Life: Proposed student organization will contribute to the social and/or academic life of the University community.

Religious or Spiritual Activities/Organizations

  • Student activities or organizations of a religious or spiritual nature must be coordinated through the Office of Campus Ministry, which strives to serve and work with students of all faiths and traditions. Organizations will not receive recognition or funding without prior coordination with Campus Ministry.

Fraternities, Sororities, or Ritualized Organizations

The University does not recognize nor permit fraternities or sororities nor any other secret or ritualized societies, clubs or organizations to operate on or off campus.


  • All members of recognized student organizations must be current undergraduate, graduate, or part-time students.
  • Officers and leaders of student clubs and organizations must be in good standing as defined by the University's academic policies and Student Conduct Code.
  • In keeping with the University's mission statement and Connecticut state law, student organizations may not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, hearing status, color, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, source of income, place of business, residence, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability (including perceived disability), age, marital status, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran, and Armed Forces Service Medal veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, state, or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any resolution process on campus, with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the State of Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, or other human rights agencies.
  • Organizations may not limit membership based on undergraduate, graduate, or part-time status, or on the basis of class year, or residency status. 
    • Those organizations seeking to limit membership based on a specific criteria must seek the approval from the Office of Student Engagement, and such limitations must be included in the organization’s charter/constitution.
  • Non-students may participate in a group's activities or programs if invited by full-time members of the organization but may not be voting members or otherwise attempt to direct, lead, or inappropriately influence the group's activities.

Organization Size

In order to be recognized by the University, a group wishing to form a new student organization must have a minimum of 15 currently enrolled student members and indicate who among those are willing to serve as officers for the organization.


In order to provide for basic democratic principles and ensure the integrity of the organization, a group must demonstrate that it has developed a sound constitution as shown by inclusion of the following:

    • A clearly articulated purpose and accurate description of the group's function
    • Specific definition of voting members
    • Adoption of voting procedures that allow for transparent, open, and free election of officers
    • Clearly articulated procedures for removal of officers
    • Clearly articulated procedures for amending the constitution
    • Reference to bylaws or other relevant documents that will govern the group's activities or functions
    • Language and reference to the Fairfield University Anti-Hazing policy
    • Language and reference to the Fairfield University Anti-Discrimination policy
    • Language that states the organization and its members will comply with any and all University policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and guidelines
  • According to the FUSA Constitution, in order to remain recognized, undergraduate student organizations must review their constitution with COSO every two years to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the club or organization as well as to ensure that the organization is operating within the agreed upon parameters set out in the constitution and bylaws.
  • Any and all Amendments to a club’s or organization’s Constitution must be submitted to and approved by the Council of Student Organizations/Graduate Student Senate and the Office of Student Engagement.


  • Each student organization is required to have at least (1) one advisor that is a current University faculty, staff or administrator.
  • An advisor must accept responsibility for keeping informed about the activities of the organization and for advising officers of the organization on the appropriateness and general merits of activities or programs.
  • In the event that an advisor is unable to continue to serve in an advisory capacity, the student organization must obtain a new advisor immediately.
    • Temporary or proxy advisors may be named in the case of extended leave/sabbatical.

Review and Approval Process

  • All new organization proposal packets must be completed and submitted before the beginning of each semester bearing in mind that the organization approval process may take up to two business weeks. Incomplete packets will not be considered. 
  • Once a group of interested students has submitted their completed application packet, Club Operations and Student Organizations will set up a meeting to review their application materials.
    • Proposed student organizations have two weeks after their initial meeting with COSO to make any edits/changes to their application materials.
    • If proposed student organizations do not make their edits/changes to their application materials within two weeks, COSO will deny their application, and the students will need to try again next semester.
  • If approved by Club Operations and Student Organizations, the group's request will be forwarded to the Office of Student Engagement for approval by the COSO advisor and the director of Student Engagement and/or their designee.
  • If the proposed student organization is affiliated with an outside organization, the vice president for Student Life, or their designee, must sign off on recognition.
  • Upon receiving all signatures by the above parties, the organization is recognized as a recognized student organization at Fairfield University and may begin operating on campus as such.
    • If any organization begins recruiting, holding meetings, advertising events, creates websites or social media accounts, or engages in other club-related activities prior to being recognized, their application may be denied or suspended.
    • Failure to cease such activities is a Student Conduct Code violation and is subject to all University Student Conduct policies and procedures.

Student organizations must comply with any and all University policies and procedures as well as all written policies and procedures established by Club Operations and Student Organizations. Organizations and individual club leaders found to be in violation of policies or who do not abide by the proper procedures are not only subject to the student conduct process but the organization may be subject to action by COSO or the Office of Student Engagement, up to and including:


Club Operations and Student Organizations and the Office of Student Engagement reserve the right to place any organization or club officer/member on probation who has been found responsible for violating club policies and procedures.

    • COSO/OSE may request specific educational sanctions be given to an organization/club leader(s) while they are on probation. 
      • Such sanctions may include community service, a written apology, letter to the campus community, reflection paper, limitations on an organization's activities, access to funding, cancellation of events/reservations, or restriction on the use of University facilities/resources.
      • Probation may last no more than two consecutive fall/spring academic semesters. 
  • Organizations must complete all required educational sanctions before having their probationary status lifted.
    • Failure to complete an educational sanction could result in the suspension or termination of recognition of the student organization, or the banning of individual club leaders from serving in leadership roles within a student organization.

Suspension of Recognition

  • This is an interruption in the recognition of the organization by the University for a period of time of not less than one traditional semester.
    • Under suspension, the organization must cease all activities, including the recruitment of new members.
  • Organizations found to have violated the terms of their probation may face suspension and removal of members of leadership.
  • COSO and/or the Office of Student Engagement have the authority to dictate the education sanctions required for ending the suspension.

Termination of Recognition

Termination permanently restricts the student organization from all activities and functions at the University. The organization can never reconstitute itself in the future.

Funding Source of Club Operations and Student Organizations

The Club Operations and Student Organizations receives a set amount of the General Fee that each student pays in the fall semester of each academic year.

Budget and Financial Procedures

Student clubs and organizations in good standing with the University and Club Operations and Student Organizations are eligible to receive funding from COSO, University departments/offices, and are able to fundraise on campus.

Bank Accounts

Student organizations are not permitted to maintain accounts with local or national banks or credit unions without the explicit permission and authorization of the Office of Student Engagement.

Savings Accounts

Each student organization has a University Club Savings Account that is managed by the Office of Student Engagement. 

  • Student organizations are required to deposit fundraising revenue, event/ticket sales revenue, donations, and membership dues into their University Club Savings Account. 
    • Failure to deposit fundraising/event revenue may result in disciplinary actions outlined above or the seizing of club assets until such revenue is deposited into the University-sanctioned Savings Accounts.

Collection of Dues

  • Student organizations may charge dues of their members. 
  • Student organizations who collect dues may do so via University TouchNet storefront managed by COSO and the Office of Student Engagement.

Use of Club Savings

  • Organizations may only use funds in their Club Savings Account for club-related activities.
  • In the event that an organization overspends their allotted COSO/University funds, the University reserves the right to use the organization’s Savings Account to cover these costs and to hold individual club members and/or the organization accountable.
    • In the event that there are insufficient funds in the Club Savings Account to cover the amount overspent, the student(s) and organization are still liable. 
    • The Office of Student Engagement will decide on a reimbursement process and/or start a student conduct process.
    • A club or organization may be placed on probation, suspended, or dissolved as an outcome of violating these policies, which may include the inability to access their funds.

COSO Budget Requests

  • COSO allocates funds to student organizations on a rolling, per-request basis throughout the fall and spring semesters. 
    • Requests for funding must be submitted via Life@Fairfield. 
    • Organizations that request over $500 may be asked to meet with the COSO Board before the funding request will be considered for approval. 
    • Some additional documentation (such as Contracts/Riders, Invoices, Certificates of Insurance, and other Vendor Approval Forms) may be required depending on the nature of the event and must all be organized and distributed by the COSO Advisor.

PayPal Guidelines

All student organizations are required to set up, have, and maintain a PayPal account in order to receive cash advances/reimbursements. Any money that needs to go into the club savings account can be sent through their TouchNet storefront managed by the Office of Student Engagement.

  • Treasurer of every club should manage a club PayPal account. If not the Treasurer, the club must communicate to COSO who will be managing the PayPal and what the account username, account email, and/or phone number associated with the account.
  • The PayPal account will have to be attached to someone’s personal bank account just like Venmo.
  • When sending/receiving funds, the subject line will be “Club Name Cash Advance Purchase Request #” or “Club Name Reimbursement Purchase Request #.” If a club is ever returning funds to FUSA PayPal (change from a cash advance or money to be put into your club savings), please use these same subject guidelines. The subject line should also include whether or not the funds are going to or coming from club savings.

Cash Advances & Receipts

  • Student organizations that receive Cash Advances must return all remaining cash and itemized receipts for ALL purchases made using the Cash Advance funds within five days of the event/meeting via PayPal.
  • Failure to return all remaining cash and/or submit itemized receipts may result in a hold being placed on the individual club member that received the Cash Advance and/or disciplinary actions taken against the club in the form of probation, suspension, or loss of recognition by the University. 
  • Goods purchased using the funding from a Cash Advance which were not pre-approved by COSO in the original Funding Request will not be reconciled with the Cash Advance. 
  • New requests for Cash Advances will not be approved for a club member or club until all outstanding Cash Advances are reconciled.

Prohibited Purchases

Student Organizations are prohibited from purchasing the following items using funds from either their Savings Account and funding received from Club Operations and Student Organizations or the Graduate Student Senate, or other University-sanctioned student organization/office/department:

    • Alcohol and alcohol paraphernalia
    • Drugs and drug paraphernalia
    • Firearms, weapons, explosives, and/or ammunition
    • Purchases for personal/individual use

Purchasing Guidelines

Student organizations are encouraged to utilize the Office of Student Engagement to purchase equipment/supplies for approved club-related activities.

Club Apparel Purchases

Clubs designing or buying apparel with the name Fairfield University, Fairfield, Stags, or using the seal, crest, or any University logo/image must be purchased through the University Bookstore.  Clubs may purchase custom apparel from a non-University bookstore vendor if the item does not directly or indirectly indicate a relationship with Fairfield University, as long as that vendor is a member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA) or the Worker’s Rights Consortium (WRC).

Check Requests

  • The University will only process check requests for approved outside vendors. 
  • The University will not approve check requests for students who intend to use the funds to pay for services rendered by an outside vendor (i.e. DJ, choreographer, speaker, etc.). 
    • Each outside vendor must go through the proper Vendor Approval process in order to be paid.

Purchase Requisition

  • Student organizations intending to use the services of a business or corporation in contract with Fairfield University must request a Purchase Requisition be opened for the amount due in order to pay these vendors:
    • Aramark Catering services
    • Abbey Tents
    • Department of Public Safety (or another security firm)
  • To request that a Purchase Requisition be opened for one of these vendors, please fill out a Purchase Request on Life@Fair

Accessibility Accommodations

  • Student organizations are required to comply with all state and federal laws, and University policies regarding accessibility for individuals with disabilities participating in club events/functions/meetings. Student organizations must utilize the Office of Accessibility to ensure all accessibility requirements are met.
  • Student organizations must include the following language in their event-based marketing materials:
    • “If you have any accessibility needs, please contact COSO.


Clubs are prohibited from serving or allowing alcohol at a club activity or event without the expression prior permission of the Office of Student Engagement. 

Students are prohibited from bringing alcohol into any University-sponsored event or venue or on the University-sponsored transportation to and from the event, even if the student is over the age of 21. 

Any student who attempts to bring alcohol into a University-sponsored event or venue or on the University-sponsored transportation will have this alcohol confiscated, will not be allowed entry, will not receive a refund (if applicable) and will be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students.

If any student is found in violation of the distribution of alcohol to minors while at a University-sponsored event or venue or on the University sponsored transportation, that student and any underage student in which they are distributing alcohol to, as well as any guest(s) they brought, will be removed from the event and will not be permitted to re-enter. They will also be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students.


Clubs and organizations are prohibited from requiring or pressuring their club members to miss class in order to attend a club practice, recital, meeting, or event. 


The University reserves the right to cancel any event at any time due to the sole determination of what is in the best interest of the University and the student body. Refunds for the cancellation of University-sponsored events are at the sole determination of the University and thus are not guaranteed.


Student organizations are expected to use Fairfield University dining services or one of the approved StagCard vendors approved by the Office of Student Engagement for all on-campus club-related events where food is being served.

    • Student organizations seeking an exemption for this policy must make a formal request by emailing prior to the event.
    • Exemption decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Student Engagement in coordination with the vice president of facilities, campus, and auxiliary services or designee.


When participating in any on or off-campus events, all students are required to abide by all rules, regulations, and guidelines for said event and conduct themselves in accordance with this Student Conduct Code. Students who fail to follow said guidelines or act in a manner contrary to our Student Conduct Code will result in immediate removal from the event and referral to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Students arrested for criminal offenses (misdemeanor or felony) at any on campus or off-campus events are subject to referral to the Office of the Dean of Students as well. Sanctions include, but are not limited to, loss of off-campus status for future years and graduation restrictions for seniors.


  • Student organizations, student leaders, and advisors are prohibited from signing any contract with an outside vendor for services provided on or off campus. 
  • All contracts must be vetted by the Office of Student Engagement prior to services being rendered. 
    • In the case of improper signing of contracts, Fairfield University may not pay/release funds to outside vendors. 
    • In the case of improper signing of contracts, Fairfield University is not liable for upholding said contractual obligations between outside vendors and student organizations.
    • Fairfield University reserves the right to cancel/reschedule events where services are being rendered by an outside vendor without the appropriate paperwork and proper signatures in place prior to the event.

Co-Sponsorship with Non-University Affiliated Entities

Recognized student organizations in good standing with the University are permitted to solicit and receive sponsorship from non-University affiliated entities.

Communication Options

  • Student organizations are encouraged to use Life@Fairfield News Posts, Life@Fairfield Events and the Life@Fairfield Messaging functions to communicate with club members.
  • Student organizations that add their club events into their Life@Fairfield portal events calendar may have their events included in “The Weekender” if the event falls within the parameters of the weekly email.
    • Following the approval of this event, it will be added to your Life@Fairfield Portal Calendar and added to “The Weekender” if it falls within the Thursday – Sunday calendar dates and applies to all undergraduate students.
      • Please note, club events for only that club or an exclusive group of people will not be included in “The Weekender.”
    • Email with any questions regarding The Weekender.
  • Student organizations may request University-wide emails be sent to specific groups of students by contacting the Office of Student Engagement.
    • For University-wide communication requests, email at least five days before the day you want the communication to be sent. Please include the information below:
      • Subject of the Email: #Life@FairfieldEmail
      • Description of the message and reason for request
      • Link to your already created Life@Fairfield Event URL, event poster or supporting material
      • Contact information for all important parties (i.e., person to contact with questions)
      • Text for the body of the email
      • Population of students you would like the email to be sent to (e.g., first-year, sophomores, juniors, seniors, all undergraduate, all graduate, honors, etc.)
      • Date of email send date
      • Please note, the Office of Student Engagement cannot approve all University-wide email requests from Clubs & Organizations.
  • As such, student organizations are encouraged to utilize Life@Fairfield to maximize communication with the campus community.

Entry & Identification

All students are required to have a valid StagCard on their person at all times while in attendance at a University-sponsored event. Additional photo ID’s may be required for events that include the distribution of alcohol to those of drinking age. Pictures of identification cards or other form of IDs will not be accepted. Students without a valid photo ID will be denied entry into a University-sponsored event. 

Event Supervision

  • Student organizations hosting an event are responsible for supervising and supporting the event from set up to clean up and for ensuring the event and all attendees abide by all University policies. 
  • Each event must have at least one designated event coordinator who is in charge of the event.
    • The event coordinator must be designated in the COSO event form used to reserve rooms for the event. 
    • The event coordinator(s) is responsible for communicating with all appropriate offices and departments prior to, during, and after an event. 
    • The event coordinator(s) must be present at the event from the beginning of setup to the end of the breakdown.
    • Regardless of age, at no time may an event coordinator consume alcoholic beverages during the event.
  • Advisors are required to attend all club-related events with over 100 students/guests in attendance.
    • If advisor(s) are not available for an event that is anticipated to have over 100 students/guests in attendance, the student organization must secure a proxy advisor to attend the event in their place.

Event Start & End Time

  • Events may not begin prior to, or end after, the time in which the space was reserved for that specific event. 
  • Events may not end after midnight without the express permission of the Office of Student Engagement. 


  • All University-sponsored events are for current Fairfield University students only (as determined by the University Registrar’s Office) unless otherwise stated. For events in which non-Fairfield University students (guests) are invited to attend, it is required that these guests be registered with Fairfield University using the Office of Residence Life Guest Registration Form prior to gaining entry to a University-sponsored event.  
  • If students choose to bring a guest with them to a University-sponsored event, the Fairfield student (host) is held responsible for their actions. This includes any actions which violate state or local laws, ordinances and/or regulations, including but not limited to the distribution of alcohol to minors. 
  • If the student host or their guest are asked to leave an event for any reason, the guest(s) and student host will also be asked to leave the event and will not be permitted to re-enter the event. No refunds will be given (if applicable). 
  • All guests must have a valid photo ID on their person at all times while in attendance at a University-sponsored event.  Pictures of identification cards or other form of IDs will not be accepted. Guests without a valid photo ID will be denied entry into a University-sponsored event. 
  • Guests who are under the age of 18 are not permitted at University-sponsored events unless otherwise stated. 

Locus of Control 

The locus of control for the event/initiative must remain at all times with the student organization and advisor and will be subject to fire or safety directives provided by Public Safety, Fairfield Police Department, or Fairfield Fire Department. Determination of locus of control is subject to evaluation by the Office of Student Engagement. 

The University defines locus of control as:

  • Having final decision-making authority regarding the planning and execution of the event/initiative.
  • Maintaining control of all media, communications, and promotions for an event/initiative.

Maintenance and Custodial Services

  • Student organizations are responsible for all costs associated with room or facility setups, custodial services, or other forms of maintenance for their events.
    • Maintenance and/or custodial costs are not insignificant in that they include materials as well as labor; therefore, all funding requests or event budgets must include appropriate allocations for these costs.
  • All requests for these services will be handled through the Office of Student Engagement, who will facilitate and coordinate requests through Facilities and Conference & Event Management.

Off-Campus Events

Student organizations are required to follow the same registration guidelines for events at off-campus facilities or locations as they would for on-campus events.

Programming Assistance

  • All student organizations are encouraged to seek programming assistance from their advisors.
  • In addition, the Executive Board of Club Operations and Student Organizations and the Office of Student Engagement are available to assist students when planning their events.
  • Student organizations are also encouraged to seek support and assistance from each other, including exploring the possibility of co-sponsoring events.

Public Attendance

  • Student organizations are permitted to host events where members of the general public are in attendance.
    • An event not limited to current members of the Fairfield University community (current students, faculty, staff, and administrators) constitutes an event that is open to the general public.
  • For events where more than 100 members of the general public may be in attendance, student organizations are responsible for hiring security for the event with the following stipulations:
    • A Fairfield University Department of Public Safety officer and/or security force must be hired for the event.
    • The ratio of attendees to security is one security officer for every 50 general public attendees.
    • The student organization is responsible for covering the costs for hiring security for their event.
    • Within reason, Fairfield University reserves the right to require additional security measures be taken to ensure the regular operations of the University are not infringed upon. 
    • Student organizations are responsible for the conduct and behavior of all performers/speakers/entertainers/DJs prior to, during, and after the event. 
  • Once the event is over, only members of the general public registered as a guest through the official University Guest Registration System are allowed to remain on campus. 
    • All other members of the general public must leave University property once the event is over. 
    • Guests must show legal photo identification upon request.
  • Publicity for all events should welcome and encourage attendance by those with disabilities.
    • Such publicity should also direct individuals in need of accommodations to the Office of Accessibility.

Public Safety

  • Public Safety is not required at all events sponsored by student organizations.
  • Public Safety's presence and/or assistance for events is required where the expected attendance exceeds 100 people or when alcohol will be served.
  • Student organizations are responsible for requesting officers directly from the Department of Public Safety, and the cost of officer details must be paid by the sponsoring student organization.
    • If Public Safety is unable to cover the detail, the Fairfield Police Department or other approved security company will be contracted.
  • Student organizations planning major events/gatherings may be required to hire members of the Fairfield Police Department and/or the Fairfield Fire Department.
    • This requirement is determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Public Safety and the Office of Student Engagement.

Room or Space Reservations

  • All student organizations must fill out either the COSO Small & Meeting Event Form or the Club Event Request Form in the COSO Life@Fairfield portal in order to reserve spaces/rooms on campus.
    • Submitting the Club Event Request Form via Life@Fairfield does not guarantee that the space is reserved nor does it guarantee that the event is approved. 
    • Submitting the Club Event Request Form via Life@Fairfield does not guarantee that all catering/media needs/work orders will be completed/approved/available. 
  • To reserve a room or space, the organization or department must be registered and recognized by the University. 
  • For events without catering/media/work orders, the Club Event Request Form must be submitted at least five business days before the date and time of the event. 
    • A good faith effort will be made to accommodate last minute form submissions, but please know that the event management system will not allow the reservation of rooms or the addition of catering orders or media requests within 72 (business) hours of the event.  
  • For events that include catering/media needs/work orders, the Club Event Request Form must be submitted at least three weeks prior to the event.


Smoking cigarettes, the usage of tobacco products, and e-cigarettes are prohibited at all University-sponsored events, venues, and on all University-sponsored transportation. Any student found in violation of this smoking policy will be removed from the event and will not be permitted to re-enter. They will also be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Sound, Lighting, and Media Equipment

  • All clubs and organizations have access to basic sound equipment. 
    • All such requests should be submitted via the Club Event Request Forms found in the COSO Life@Fairfield portal.
  • For additional sound, lighting, or media needs, equipment can be contracted through the Media Center.
    • The cost of such equipment is the responsibility of the sponsoring student organization.
    • The use of this equipment should be requested in your Purchase Request.
  • For events in the Quick Center for the Arts, the event staff will assist with sound, lighting, or other setup requests.


Student organizations are permitted to invite individuals from inside and outside the University community to speak/perform at an event/initiative. All outside speakers/performers (paid or unpaid) must have a signed contract with the University and meet all University requirements (i.e., proof of adequate insurance, etc.) before the event/initiative may take place. Student organizations are not permitted to sign contracts on behalf of the University. Student organizations hosting an event/initiative with on campus or off-campus speakers/performers must maintain the locus of control of the event/initiative at all times, as further defined within this policy. Student organizations are not required, but encouraged, to provide alternate viewpoints to those that are expressed in a single event or program. Student organizations hosting a speaker(s) or performer(s) on campus must acknowledge on all advertising and at the beginning of the event/initiative that the views expressed during the event/initiative are not reflecting of the views of Fairfield University.


  • The Office of Student Engagement uses Paciolan to facilitate the selling of tickets for all major student events. These tickets are sent to the purchaser as an e-ticket which can be opened in three forms (PDF, QR code or printed ticket). All e-tickets contain a unique bar code that only allow one entry. The first ticket to arrive at the event (if there are multiple copies made, or multiple students attempting to use the same ticket) will gain entry after scanning and validation. All additional copies of that same ticket will be denied entry. If students chose to gain entry to an event using a ticket originally purchased by another student, they are taking sole responsibility for that purchase. Should this re-sold ticket be denied entry, the student will be asked to leave the venue or purchase a new ticket on site, if available.
  • The Office of Student Engagement uses Paciolan to coordinate the selling of tickets for all major events.  If a club or organization would like to utilize the University Ticketing system for an upcoming event, they should contact the Office of Student Engagement at least one month in advance of the event.
  • The Fairfield University Student Association and The Office of Student Engagement reserves the right to require ticket sales to offset the cost of events or a specific event.
  • Please note that clubs or organizations are responsible for, and must budget for, the cost of tickets ($1.50 per ticket) if they wish to use the Paciolan system.
  • As students are purchasing a ticket through the Paciolan platform, they are asked to take note of the posted date for refunds. After said date, refunds for that particular event will become non-existent and all ticket purchases are non-refundable.


  • All bus or van needs must be requested in a Purchase Request and organized by the COSO Advisor or COSO Event Logistics Coordinator who will then contact the Office of Conference and Event Management.
    • There are multiple types of bus and van options available, including University-owned vehicles, as well as contracted services through a local transportation company.
    • Costs for transportation are based on type of vehicle, duration of trip, and miles traveled.
    • University-owned vehicles are used by a number of offices and departments on campus; therefore, they might not always be available.
      • In those cases, transportation will be contracted outside of the University.

Vendor Forms, Invoices, Certificates of Insurance, & Contracts/Riders

  • Contracts/Riders, invoices, Certificates of Insurance, and other Vendor Approval Forms (W-9) must be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement at least three weeks before payment is due to ensure timely payment to outside vendors/companies. 
  • Student organizations are liable for all late payment fees and charges to vendors/independent contracts resulting from a delay in processing due to late submission of all required forms within the three-week deadline and/or improper filling out of paperw

All fundraising initiatives or events for student organizations must be registered with and approved in advance by the Executive Board of Club Operations and Student Organizations in conjunction with the Office of Student Engagement.

  • Fundraising activities may only benefit a student organization and not an individual's personal gain.
    • Personal gain is defined as the sale of goods or services or the sponsorship of any fundraising activity on University property by any individual or group that is intended to improve the personal financial status of any person or group of persons involved in the sponsorship of the activity.
    • Fundamental to this definition is the premise that funds raised by student organizations are to be used to expand or enhance the activities of those organizations and not to financially subsidize an individual's personal interests or needs.
  • Permission for all fundraising activities is extended only to University-recognized student organizations and is subject to the following regulations:
    • Fundraising is defined as the sale of products, the solicitation of money or contributions, the collection of dues or donations, the charge of admission, or any other means of collecting revenue.
    • The Executive Board of Club Operations and Student Organizations must approve all fundraising activities at least two weeks in advance. Permission shall not be granted for products and services that conflict with the institutional values of Fairfield University.
    • Pre-established fees for facility use, equipment rental, and other direct costs must be paid in advance.
  • Funds raised must benefit a recognized student organization or a bona fide charitable organization. No funds may be used for personal gain as previously defined in this section. The University reserves the right to review financial records of student organizations that have been allowed to raise funds on campus to determine if the funds are being used for the purpose for which they were raised.
  • The publicity for the activity must include the following information:
    • Name of the sponsoring organization
    • Name of the individual or organization benefiting from the activity
    • Intended use of funds collected at the activity
  • Fundraising in University housing requires the prior approval of the Office of Residence Life and is subject to limitations as set forth by that office.
  • All proceeds must be deposited into the University-controlled club savings account, which is administered by the Office of Student Engagement.
  • The student or students running the fundraiser are not eligible to win any prize associated with that fundraiser.
  • Any organization or department sponsoring a fundraiser at a facility that serves alcohol must ensure that all participants consuming alcohol are of legal drinking age.

Publicity Policy

All publicity for student organizations is subject to review by the Office of Student Engagement and/or the Fairfield University Student Association (FUSA). Since the views are not necessarily reflective of the University, all organizations are expected to include in publications issued (newsletters, brochures, pamphlets, and the like), except for those specifically approved, a disclaimer. For example, an appropriate disclaimer would read, "The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the administration, faculty, or student body of Fairfield University unless otherwise stated.” Student organizations hosting any event/initiative or meeting must include a request for accessibility accommodations on all publicity/posting, regardless of format, stating, "If you have any accessibility needs, please contact COSO.

Printing and/or Graphic Design

  • Digital Design and Printing of event marketing materials is provided by COSO at no cost to the organizations for print and digital marketing costs. Organizations are permitted to create their own materials but are required to secure approval for all materials. Organizations must contact COSO at least 20 academic days before the marketing materials are needed for design and printing time. COSO marketing liaisons are charged with working directly with organizations to ensure all steps are taken. Duplicating requests generally take a couple of days, while design and custom printing will take longer.
  • Locations have different publicity regulations.

Academic and Administrative Buildings

  • Flyers in all academic buildings should only be hung on designated bulletin boards. At no time should flyers be hung in any area which obstructs the view or could be a risk in the case of an emergency. These include glass areas, fire doors, and stairwells. Additionally, posting inside of classrooms is prohibited. Large posters may be hung with the approval of the Office of Student Engagement.

Barone Campus Center

  • All physical materials to be hung in the Barone Campus Center must be approved/stamped by Conference & Event Management.
  • Flyers in the campus center may be hung on designated bulletin boards.
  • Large posters may be hung in the main dining hall and the first-floor lounge.
    • These spaces must be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis through the Office of Conference & Event Management.
  • Table tents, postcards, or placards on individual tables in the Stag diner, Dunkin, or the Levee are prohibited without the approval of the Office of Conference & Event Management.
  • Table tents, postcards, and place cards cannot be placed on tables in the Tully.
  • No posters or flyers are to be hung on any painted surface, doors, or windows.
  • Posting is also prohibited on cement pillars in the lower lounge of the Barone Campus Center.
  • Organizations seeking an exception to any of these policies must receive approval from the Office of Conference & Event Management.


Only recognized student organizations, official University departments, offices, and centers, faculty members, staff members, and current Fairfield University students are permitted to chalk on Fairfield University property.  Permission must be granted in advance by the Office of Student Engagement.  Individuals and groups unaffiliated with the University are prohibited from chalking without the express permission of the University.  Chalking is only permitted on outdoor, horizontal surfaces made out of asphalt or concrete (i.e., sidewalks).

Marketing Off Campus

  • Student organizations or arranged performers, artists, or speakers may not advertise or promote events off campus without written consent from the Office of Student Engagement

Fairfield University believes that sponsored off-­campus activities are an important part of a students’ overall learning experience.  The purpose of this policy is to outline the approval process for University-supported or university related domestic travel and related requirements.

All travel sponsored, organized or facilitated by Fairfield University must be under the oversight of an administrative unit of the University. Since travel programs may involve academic course credit, service and leadership components, international / cultural experiences, and faculty or staff development or scholarly exchange, the necessary administration of all travel includes the deans of the academic units, the Division of Student Life, the Division of Mission and Ministry, and the Global Fairfield Office.

Domestic travel contemplated in this policy includes, but is not limited to, individuals and groups who receive University funding or who travel under the auspices of Fairfield University funded by personal and/or group finances. Travel plans must first be reviewed and approved through the appropriate department, division, college, or school.

Pre-Departure Procedures

  • After receiving approval from the necessary administration overseeing the trip, recognized clubs and organizations must seek approval from the Office of Student Engagement by submitting a Travel Proposal Form at least ten days prior to a trip.
  • If approved, the Office of Student Engagement will provide the club or organization with the appropriate travel forms and information for their off-campus event.
  • In addition to any forms or information requested by the Office of Student Engagement, clubs or organizations must submit the following forms/items at least 24 hours PRIOR to embarking on any University-sponsored trip:
    • Participation Agreement, Waiver & Release of Liability Agreement
      • One copy must be filled out by each participant for ALL trips.
      • This form includes general student information along with a list of contacts in the event of an emergency.
    • Student Travel Authorization Form
      • One copy of this form should be completed for the entire group.
      • This will include more detailed information about the event than is included in the Travel Proposal Form, including a travel itinerary, a list of participants, and a local/travel contact.
      • This form, along with the Travel Roster, must be submitted to the Department of Public Safety no later than 24 hours prior to departure.
      • The Trip Coordinator is responsible for filling this form out and ensuring it gets to Department of Public Safety in time.
      • For regularly scheduled and ongoing events (such as service activities), clubs can register the entire set of activities as one event for the semester.
        • Any new members that get involved after the form has been submitted can be added to the existing registration form by notifying the Office of Student Engagement.
        • Additional members will need to submit a Participation Agreement Waiver Form.
    • Passport (if applicable)
      • In the event of travel outside of the United States, a copy of each student passport must be included along with each General Waiver & Release of Liability Agreement.
      • Please review international travel section

Roles & Responsibilities

For all trips, the club/organization MUST designate an official Trip Coordinator and Local Emergency Campus Contact for communication and emergency purposes. The responsibilities for each are as follows:

    • Trip Coordinator
      • This person must be a club officer/faculty/staff of Fairfield University.
      • Responsible for handling logistics of the trip.
      • Serves as the primary contact and club liaison for the event.
      • Responsible for ensuring the group’s Student Travel Authorization Form is filled out and submitted prior to departure.
      • Responsible for working with the Office of Student Engagement (BCC96) prior to departure to ensure that all forms have been submitted and procedures have been followed.
      • Responsible for coordinating the activities of the group while traveling and at destination.
      • Must be accessible by cell phone or provide appropriate contact information if traveling outside of service area.
      • In addition, they will maintain contact with the Local Emergency Campus Contact during the trip.
    • Local Emergency Campus Contact
      • This person must be a full or part-time University faculty or staff member.
      • In the event of an emergency, this person will be responsible for communicating with the Fairfield University Department of Public Safety.
      • This person must remain within 45 minutes (or their normal commuting distance of campus) for the duration of the event and must be accessible by phone at all times.
  • University Representative
      • This person must be a full or part-time University faculty or staff member.
      • This person is responsible for accompanying students on all trips greater than 180 miles from Fairfield University, all overnight trips, and international trips.
      • This person shall undergo appropriate training prior to acting as a university representative.
      • Responsible for teaching and mentoring all students while on the trip, and ensuring they are abiding by University policies.

University Representative

The presence of a University representative that is a full or part-time University faculty or staff member is viewed as an important component for the overall success of the activity. University representatives must be at least 18 years of age.

  • For day trips (not involving an overnight stay and less than 180 miles away from campus)
    • The student organization is encouraged to take a University representative, however, is not required to have one for a trip that is 180 miles away or less from Fairfield University and does not include overnight stay.
  • For overnight trips (or ANY trip greater than 180 miles away)
    • Student organizations are required to take a University representative for any trip that is overnight or greater than 180 miles away from Fairfield University.
    • The sponsoring club/organization will assume financial responsibility for the advisor’s participation including, but not limited to, travel, lodging, and meals.
    • In addition, the University must be provided with separate housing accommodations at the same or nearby location.

International Travel

Student organizations are permitted and encouraged to plan international trips for their members, per the following stipulations:

  • Student organizations must work with the Office of Student Engagement or the Recreation Department to plan an international trip.
    • This process involves, but is not limited to, developing a timeline for complying with the International Travel Policy guidelines, vetting the service site/destination, identifying and securing the appropriate number of Trip Advisors, discussing funding options and fundraising efforts, and mapping out a Pre- and Post-departure engagement program to help students make meaning of their experience.
  • The University reserves the right to cancel international travel plans and withhold payment/funding of student organizations not in compliance with the University’s International Travel Policy or other requirements specified by the Office of Student Engagement.
    • In addition to the travel forms specified in the International Travel Policy, the Office of Student Engagement reserves the right to add additional requirements on a case-by-case basis (based on destination) to ensure the health and safety of students.
  • All international flights must be booked through a University approved travel agency, as facilitated by the Office of Student Engagement
  • All students participating in an international trip as part of a recognized student organization must fly into the designated airport, on the designated program start date, and within the specified arrival times.
    • Students should not plan personal or family travel prior to the start of the program with the expectation of arriving by other means, at alternate dates/time, or with guests.
    • Early or late arrivals are not approved. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Domestic Travel & Lodging

  • Travel arrangements must be made through a University approved travel agent or directly with approved businesses, as facilitated by the Office of Student Engagement
  • All domestic travel much be in coach class.
  • Use of personal vehicles are not covered under University insurances; therefore, it is the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle to assume liability for the use of a personal vehicle.
    • The use of personal vehicles must be approved prior to the trip by the Office of Student Engagement.
    • If a student club/organization needs a University vehicle or to rent a bus for their event, please contact Club Operations and Student Organizations (COSO) who will contact the Office of Conference and Event Management on the club's/organization's behalf.
  • Fairfield University and all representative associates assume no responsibility or liability in connection with the service of any aircraft, train, bus, vessel, or any other conveyance which is used, either wholly or in part, in the transporting of passengers.
    • Neither will they be responsible for any act, error, or omission nor any loss or injury to persons or property, accident, delay, or irregularity which may be occasioned by reason of defect of any vehicle, or, through neglect or default of any company or person including hotels engaged in carrying out the purpose for which tickets or coupons have been issued, nor any illness, disease or infirmity or injury, death, damage, or inconvenience sustained by any person for any reason whatsoever.
    • The University does not assume any financial liability or responsibility for any phase of the event.
    • It is expressly understood that the University will not be responsible for any monies paid in regard to said event. In addition, there should be no alcohol consumed or present in any vehicle at any time.
    • When flying, the ultimate responsibility for retrieving and compensating lost baggage lies with the airlines. The University will not reimburse travelers for personal items lost while traveling.


  • The community standards set forth in the Fairfield University Student Conduct Code (contained in the Student Handbook) and all University policies and procedures are applicable to the student while participating in any off campus activity.
    • Failure to conduct oneself in compliance with the Fairfield University Student Conduct Code may jeopardize the success of the event and willingness of the University to permit future similar activities, in addition to student conduct action.
    • Students and guests shall assume responsibility for their own actions.
    • Individuals who may have experienced harassment, discrimination, or an incident of discrimination under Title IX (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, stalking, sex discrimination, or pregnancy discrimination) during travel sponsored, organized or facilitated by the University are encouraged to contact the senior director of equity to make a report or learn more about support services available on campus.
    • Students with disabilities or those who are pregnant may request accommodations from the Office of Accessibility.


  • Students are responsible for maintaining the necessary financial records for the duration of the event (i.e., saving itemized receipts, paid invoices, etc.).
  • Failure to maintain proper financial records may result in a student’s inability to be properly compensated for any expenses.