Fairfield University holds high expectations of how we live and interact with one another, as the successes and failures of each member of our community shape our institution. Respect for self and respect for others, both within and outside the University community, lie at the heart of our standards of conduct. Students are held accountable for their behavior both on and off campus as a necessary part of our community life.

The student conduct process seeks first and foremost to serve its students in an educative role. The process asks students to reflect upon their behaviors and how it impacts the larger university community.

For more information on the Student Conduct Code or the student conduct process, please see the Student Handbook.


Restorative Mentoring

Restorative mentoring is a student conduct sanction that encourages and provides an opportunity for dialogue, reflection, and conversation in the areas of student behavior, moral development, responsible community participation, and our Jesuit Mission.

Students will meet with a campus minister to reflect on their choices. Students will be encouraged and learn how to make decisions more aligned with our Jesuit mission and their personal values.

One-on-one meetings: All students sanctioned to complete a program within Restorative Mentoring are required to meet with a campus minister at least once. Based on the reason the student was referred for restorative mentoring, the campus minister, in consultation with the Office of the Dean of Students, will determine how long students must engage in one-on-one meetings.

Restorative Moments: This program provides an opportunity for students to discuss within a select group new ways to plan healthy social and academic experiences at Fairfield. This program will generally occur twice per semester on a weekday evening or weekend morning.


Peer Conduct Board

The Peer Conduct Board (PCB), composed entirely of students, is trained and supported under the auspices of the Office of the Dean of Students in hearing student conduct matters of low severity. PCB is an effective vehicle for students to engage in self-governance, student leadership, and building of overall communication skills.

Criteria and expectations for members of the Peer Conduct Board are as follows:

  • Good standing with the University
  • Full-time undergraduate or graduate student
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Cannot be a Resident Assistant (RA)
  • Attend weekly PCB hearings during the academic year, held on Sundays from 5-7:30 p.m.
  • Serve on Student Conduct Boards
  • Attend all mandatory training sessions
  • Uphold confidentiality

If you have any questions, please contact Associate Dean of Students Allison Berger at (203) 254-4211.



No-Contact Order

A No Contact Order prohibits contact between students for a specific period of time. A No Contact Order is issued by the Office of the Dean of Students and is considered a sanction under Fairfield University’s Student Conduct Code. Sanctions are determined based of the severity of the infraction, the student’s prior record and other relevant circumstances.

Contact refers to any intentional words or actions including, but not limited to:


  • Destruction or vandalism of the above named person’s property
  • In-person communication (oral or written) both on and off-campus
  • Use or threats of physical violence both on and off-campus
  • Telephone calls, text messages, instant messages, emails, Facebook, Twitter, or other forms of social media
  • In-person, nonverbal communication, including gestures, both on or off campus


No Contact Orders prohibit contact by a third party acting on the individual’s behalf to intimidate, harass, threaten, coerce, or frighten. Third parties may include friends, family members, other students, or others, to make contact on one’s behalf in order to harass or intimidate others.

A No Contact Order remains in effect for a specified amount of time communicated by the Office of the Dean of Students. Failure to comply with an issued No Contact Order is actionable under the Student Conduct Code.

No Contact Orders are designed primarily to prevent intentional contact. Students who have been issued No Contact Orders should remove themselves immediately from the area if they encounter each other. Incidental contact is not considered a violation of a No Contact Order. This includes, but is not limited to, unintentionally passing the involved individuals on-campus or unexpectedly seeing an individual involved in the order on-campus building or residence hall. During incidental contact, students must remove themselves from the area as quickly as possible.

A student concerned for their safety should contact the Department of Public Safety at (203) 254-4090 or dial 911.

If you have any questions regarding No Contact Orders, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (203) 254-4211.



Step Up Stags/Medical Amnesty

Students are encouraged to report all unsafe incidents including, but not limited to, out of control social gatherings, damage and vandalism, underage alcohol use, disorderly or disruptive conduct, harassment, bias, and sexual misconduct. Reports submitted in good faith or seeking restoration will not be subject to the student conduct or Title IX process. The fear of, or concern about, the potential student conduct process should not deter students from seeking appropriate medical or personal assistance.



Requesting Your Student Conduct Records

 Student conduct records remain on file for seven years after class graduation. Please contact the Dean of Students office at dosoffice@fairfield.edu or 203-254-4211 if you would like a summary of your student conduct record. A form will be provided to you and a copy of your photo identification or Stag Card is needed. Your record will include all reportable violations during your time at Fairfield University. Please allow 5-10 business days for processing and a fee might be charged.