Fairfield’s vibrant community welcomes all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability/disability status, religion, and tradition. Fostering inclusion and understanding across the many human differences that often divide and marginalize, the Fairfield community is united in its reverence for the human dignity of every person. We recognize that viable solutions to enduring problems emerge when people with diverse backgrounds and skills work together with mutual respect, toward common goals. Fairfield is committed to providing a safe, affirming, and inclusive community for students of the following identities:

  • LGBTQ+ students
  • Transgender students
  • Gender queer students
  • A student whose gender identity and/or gender expression do not conform to the gender binary
  • Students who are currently transitioning from one gender to another (i.e. transitioning from male to female or female to male)
  • Students who do not conform to society’s expectations of their assigned gender at birth
  • Students who do not wish to be identified by any sex or gender identity
  • Students who are in the process of discovering their gender identity and/or gender expression

Fairfield University community members strive for the following:

  • Modeling behavior that reflects a positive value and respect for gender as a non-binary construct (human beings are not necessarily male or female as ascribed by their assigned gender at birth)
  • Openness and desire to develop one’s own understanding of gender identity, sexual orientation, and other differences
  • Working to create and promote a safe, affirming, and inclusive community for all students
  • Use of inclusive and socially just language and the preferred names and gender pronouns of community members
  • Education of guests about the values and community expectations of the gender-inclusive community

Campus Resources

  • Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
  • Residence Life
  • Disability and Support Services
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Office of the Dean of Students
  • Title IX Coordinator

Gender Inclusive Restrooms

  • BCC 4th Floor
  • Kelley Center
  • 1st floor McCormick Hall
  • 1st floor Meditz Hall
  • 1st floor Mahan Hall
  • 1st Floor Donnarumma
  • Ground Floor MCA
  • Library Cafe
  • Egan Chapel
  • New Dolan School Of Business, (Lower level)
  • Jogues Hall
  • Campion Hall
  • 42 Langguth

Gender Inclusive Housing

Fairfield University houses students consistent with their gender identity rather than perceived sex as required by applicable law. Requests for a housing assignment that is consistent with a students’ gender identity and not perceived sex are asked to be received by the Office of Residence Life two weeks prior to the close of the housing lottery application date. In alignment with the current housing practices, students will be able to live with the roommates of their choosing. If you wish to be housed by your gender identity, please contact the Office of Residence Life, at the contact information below or submit your application by the date above.

Phone: 203-254-4215 or Email: residencelife@fairfield.edu

Frequently Asked Questions

In alignment with Title IX, Gender Inclusive Housing is offered to any student who wishes to be housed by their gender identity. Gender inclusive housing provides a safe, affirming, and inclusive community living option for students of the following identities and lived experiences. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Transgender students
  • Gender queer students
  • Students who are currently transitioning from one gender to another (i.e. transitioning from male to female or female to male)
  • Students who do not conform to society’s expectations of their assigned gender at birth
  • Students who do not wish to be identified by any sex or gender identity
  • Students who are in the process of discovering their gender identity
  • Students who appreciate and respect people with the above identities and lived experiences, and who would prefer to live in a community comprised of such 

Any full-time, undergraduate student living in a university residential space that wishes to be housed by their gender identity.

Fairfield University is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and supportive living experience for students living in all residential facilities.  The gender-inclusive living option acknowledges the diverse needs of the student body and underscores the importance of university core value Cura Personalis. Also, the gender-inclusive housing living experience helps further develop a residential climate that is positive, respectful, and inclusive for all residents. 

In alignment with Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Title IX has recently been expanded to include transgender students. There are other implications for a University under Title IX including: a responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment, treating students consistent with their gender identity even if their education records or identification documents indicate a different sex, and a school may provide separate facilities on the basis of sex, but must allow transgender students access to such facilities consistent with their gender identity. Title IX allows a school to provide separate housing on the basis of sex. But a school must allow transgender students to access housing consistent with their gender identity and may not require transgender students to stay in single-occupancy accommodations or to disclose personal information when not required of other students. Therefore, Fairfield University is implementing changes on campus in order to have better gender inclusive practices to ensure that all students, in alignment with our Jesuit ideals, feels welcomed and safe on campus.

Who can participate in the Gender Inclusive Living Experience?

This option is open to all undergraduate students who have an understanding of gender identity and gender expression are willing to actively contribute to an inclusive and respectful community. 

How are roommates chosen?

Students are encouraged, but not required to self-select their roommate/s. If you are unable to identify a roommate, Residence Life will pair you with a roommate during the assignment process. You may also wish to consider completing the roommate finder form on the Residence Life website to assist in finding a roommate.

What are the due dates to apply for Gender Inclusive Housing?

Requests for a housing assignment that is consistent with a students’ gender identity and not perceived sex, are asked to be received by the Office of Residence Life two weeks prior to the close of the housing lottery application date. In alignment with the current housing practices, students will be able to live with the roommates of their choosing. If you wish to be housed by your gender identity, please contact the Director of Residence Life, Ophelia Rowe-Allen, at the contact information below or submit your application by the date above. Any first year student that wishes to be housed by their gender identity must meet all housing deadlines and follow the same process listed above.

Traditional residence hall assignments may include, single or double rooms with a gender inclusive bathroom nearby or single or double rooms with an attached bathroom (shared with two or more rooms). Apartment and townhouse complex assignments may include two to four double bedrooms with a shared kitchen and shared bathroom or four to eight single bedrooms bedrooms with a shared kitchen and bathrooms. 

The gender inclusive restrooms can be found in the following residence hall and apartment. 47 Mahan, Jogues Hall, Campion Hall, 70 McCormick, 42 Langguth.  

Gender inclusive housing is not intended for romantic couples. The intention of gender inclusive housing is to allow for students who may not fit in the gender binary of male or female to be housed by their gender identity. Students do not have to disclose their reasons for requesting gender inclusive housing.


if you have any questions or wish to discuss your interest or preferences, please send an email to The Office of Residence Life, residencelife@fairfield.edu

Identification Documents, Names, and Pronouns

Under Title IX, a school must treat students consistent with their gender identity even if their education records or identification documents indicate a different sex. School staff and contractors will use pronouns and names consistent with a transgender student’s gender identity.


Sexual orientation refers to a person’s emotional and sexual attraction to another person based on the gender of the other person. Common terms used to describe sexual orientation include, but are not limited to, heterosexual, lesbian, gay, and bisexual. Sexual orientation and gender identity are different. (LAUSD Policy)

Gender identity refers to a person’s deeply felt internal sense of being male or female, regardless of their sex assigned at birth. (Washington State Guidelines)

Sex assigned at birth refers to the sex designation, usually “male” or “female,” assigned to a person when they are born. (NYSED Guidance)

Gender expression refers to the manner in which a person represents or expresses gender to others, often through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, activities, voice or mannerisms. (Washoe County Regulation)

Transgender or trans describes a person whose gender identity does not correspond to their assigned sex at birth. (Massachusetts Guidance)

Gender transition refers to the process in which a person goes from living and identifying as one gender to living and identifying as another. (Washoe County Regulation)

Cisgender describes a person whose gender identity corresponds to their assigned sex at birth. (NYSED Guidance)

Gender nonconforming describes people whose gender expression differs from stereotypic expectations. The terms gender variant or gender atypical are also used. Gender nonconforming individuals may identify as male, female, some combination of both, or neither. (NYSED Guidance)

Intersex describes individuals born with chromosomes, hormones, genitalia and/or other sex characteristics that are not exclusively male or female as defined by the medical establishment in our society. (DCPS Guidance)

LGBTQ is an acronym that stands for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning.” (LAUSD Policy)

Safe and Nondiscriminatory Environment

Fairfield University has a responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, including transgender students. Harassment that targets a student based on gender identity, transgender status, or gender transition is harassment based on sex. If sex-based harassment creates a hostile environment, the school must take prompt and effective steps to end the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects. A school’s failure to treat students consistent with their gender identity may create or contribute to a hostile environment in violation of Title IX. For more information, please contact our Title IX compliance Coordinator:

Dylan Gordon, JD

Director, Title IX & Equity Compliance

Phone: 203-254-4000, ext. 4357

Email: dgordon@fairfield.edu