Academic Support

Fairfield strives to support its students and create an inclusive environment for all through a host of academic resources, including academic advisors, a career planning center, academic centers, and a library full of experts ready to assist. In addition to these resources, students can find support through the Academic Commons centrally located within the DiMenna-Nyselius Library.


  • Students walk outdoors past a Stag statue.


    The Office of the Registrar coordinates the academic records, student registrations, and classroom scheduling functions for the University's five schools.

  • Two people talk in front of an open laptop and a monitor not in use.


    Fairfield students can take advantage of one-on-one advising with faculty. Learn more here.

  • A person stands behind a podium that reads “Fairfield University”.

    Honor Societies

    Learn the ways Fairfield recognizes its students' academic success.

Explore tools, research, and learning

The DiMenna-Nyselius Library

The DiMenna-Nyselius Library offers research materials that include books and eBooks, articles, physical and streaming media, student donated textbook collection, course reserves, and the University Archives & Special Collections. Research services include one-on-one research consultations with a librarian (in-person or online), 24/7 help via chat, online research guides, citation guides, and tutorials. 

An aerial view of the pathway leading into the library.

Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Librarians also provide study skills support through tutorials, workshops, and consultations. Students, faculty, and staff can use Interlibrary Loan to borrow materials from other libraries.

Image of a man and woman stand at a counter, appearing friendly and engaged in a lively discussion.

Academic Commons

The Fairfield University Academic Commons supports the scholarly success and intellectual growth of our students. Academic Commons partners are dedicated to:

  • Coordinating academic resources
  • Helping students achieve their educational goals
  • Creating an inclusive environment for students
  • Eliminating barriers to student success
  • Strengthening students’ academic experience, in and out of the classroom
  • Image of two women chatting at a desk, looking at each other with friendly expressions.


    Following state and federal law, Fairfield University is committed to providing accommodations to students with disabilities to ensure accessibility and equal access to its programs, services, and activities.

  • Image of a building's facade with a spacious lawn and lush trees, offering a serene and inviting atmosphere.

    DiMenna-Nyselius Library

    Fairfield’s DiMenna-Nyselius Library is the hub of academic resources, home to research materials, librarians, study spaces, and more.

  • Image of a large room featuring multiple tables and chairs, ideal for events or group activities.

    Fredrickson Innovation Lab

    The Fredrickson Family Innovation Lab stands as a symbolic center for the College of Arts and Sciences, bridging its wide breadth of departments and academic programs and provides students and faculty with a physical and digital gathering space.

  • Image of a group of smiling people poses together in front of a grand cathedral, capturing a joyful moment.

    Global Fairfield

    Fairfield encourages students to learn internationally through one of its many Global Fairfield or affiliated programs.

  • Image of two students collaborating on a laptop at the Fairfield University help desk in the library.

    ITS Help Desk

    The Department of Information Technology provides technology services and support to Fairfield University students, faculty, and staff.

  • Image of a man and woman collaborating on a laptop in a modern office setting, focused on their work.

    Writing Center

    The Writing Center is a free resource available to all students. A trained peer tutor is available to work with all students at any point in the writing process.

  • Image of a woman sitting at a table, focused on her laptop, with a cozy atmosphere around her.

    Math Center

    The Math Center is a place where students can receive tutoring for first-year courses in precalculus, calculus, and statistics.

  • Image of two students collaborate on a computer in a bright classroom, focused on their project together.

    Science Center

    The Science Center provides expanded peer-tutoring for all of the foundational courses in natural sciences.

Fairfield's Honor Code

Fairfield University's primary purpose is the pursuit of academic excellence. This is possible only in an atmosphere where discovery and communication of knowledge are marked by scrupulous, unqualified honesty. Therefore, it is expected that all students taking classes at the University adhere to the following Honor Code:

Dishonest Conduct

In all academic work, students are expected to submit materials that are their own and are to include attribution for any ideas or language that are not their own.

Examples of dishonest conduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Falsification of academic records or grades, including but not limited to any act of falsifying information on an official academic document, grade report, class registration document, or transcript.
  • Cheating, such as copying examination answers or another student's paper.
  • Collusion, such as working with another person or persons when independent work is prescribed.
  • Inappropriate use of notes.
  • Falsification or fabrication of an assigned project, data, results, or sources.
  • Giving, receiving, offering, or soliciting information in examinations.
  • Using previously prepared materials in examinations, tests, or quizzes.
  • Destruction or alteration of another student's work.
  • Submitting the same paper or report for assignments in more than one course without the prior written permission of each instructor.
  • Appropriating information, ideas, or the language of other people or writers and submitting it as one's own to satisfy the requirements of a course - commonly known as plagiarism.
  • Unauthorized recording, sale, or use of lectures and other instructional materials.

In the event of such dishonesty, professors are to award a grade of zero for the project, paper, or examination in question and may record an F for the course itself. When appropriate, expulsion may be recommended. A notation of the event is made in the student's file in the academic dean's office. The student will receive a copy.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Fairfield University maintains an Institutional Review Board to ensure the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research conducted at Fairfield University or by its employees and/or students, according to federal regulations (45CFR Part 46 and 21CFR Part 56).

The IRB website will provide viewers with instructions on how to submit a proposal, as well as important information regarding ethical guidelines, federal regulations, and IRB procedures.

*NetID login required to access.

IRB Website

Contact IRB Chair

Contact IRB Administrative Liaison

Financial Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF)

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

If you would like to submit a proposal to conduct animal research, please contact or Chris Hetherington for a protocol form.

If you have concerns about the welfare of the animals used for research at Fairfield, please contact or submit an anonymous letter to Dr. Jim Biardi, Biology Department, Fairfield University.

Dr. Jim Biardi, Biology, Chair
Dr. John Kristy, DVM, Attending Veterinarian
Dr. Ashley Byun, Biology
Dr. Shannon Gerry, Biology
Dr. Shannon Harding, Psychology
Dr. Carl Scheraga, Management
Molly King, Community Member, Alternate

Christopher Hetherington, IACUC Coordinator
Dennis Keenan, Philosophy, Alternate
Glenn Sauer, Biology, Associate Dean, Institutional Official