How do we know what students are learning?

There are as many different definitions of learning as there are educators. Most converge on the idea that human learning involves an enduring change in one's knowledge, skills, or beliefs that occurs through experience. While social interactions and contexts are important mediators of learning, this enduring change is an individual process that occurs within the mind of the learner, and thus is not visible to others. 

So, how do we know that students are learning? How do we know what they have learned, or when they have learned it?

We can infer that learning has occurred, even if we can’t know for sure, by observing the outward manifestations of the changes that characterize learning. When students know, can do, or believe something that they did not previously, it is reflected in what they say, how they act, and what they produce. By purposefully observing and collecting information about changes in our students' words, actions, and products, we can make meaningful interpretations about what, how much, or when they have learned.

two students in white lab coats work on laptops with a professor

As professors, we can use these interpretations to help guide the ways in which we organize our curricula, plan our classes, and design our assignments. Information about student learning can help us advocate for new faculty lines and new programs. It supports our bids for accreditation and can encourage donors.

As academics, we are curious by nature. Within our chosen disciplines, we look to understand the world in terms of the knowledge-base that exists, and, through our research and experimentation, push the edge of that knowledge to reveal new insights or understandings. 

Engaging in the assessment of student learning provides an opportunity to draw on our natural curiosity and tap our skills as analytical thinkers to better understand our students as learners and ourselves as teachers.

a student sits in front of a wall of portable whiteboards

The ways in which information about student learning can be collected and interpreted are as varied as the types of learners, the subjects to be learned, and the settings in which learning occurs. Questions that drive these varied processes likewise differ depending on the individuals asking them and the academic fields in which they are rooted. Whatever your questions or your field of study, there are many resources to help you as you embark or continue on the process of assessing student learning. 

The Center for Academic Excellence has a wide selection of texts, and there are a number of helpful online resources.


Recommended Resources

Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education by Mary J. Allen. Published in 2004 by Anker Publishing, an affiliate of John Wiley & Sons. (Available through the CAE Lending Library - Call Number: ASMT0012).

Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide of Institutions, Departments, and General Education, 2nd Edition, by Barbara E. Walvoord, Foreword by Trudy W. Banta. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Available as an eBook through the DiMenna-Nyselius Library; and the CAE Lending Library - Call Number: ASMT0016).

Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, 3rd Edition by Linda Suskie, Published in 2009 by Jossey-Bass (Available as an eBook through the DiMenna-Nyselius Library).

Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the Institution, 2nd Edition by Peggy L. Maki, Published in 2010 by Stylus. (Available through the CAE Lending Collection - Call Number: EVSTU0038).

Planning and Assessment in Higher Education: Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness by Michael F. Middaugh, Published in 2009 by Jossey-Bass (Available as an eBook through the DiMenna-Nyselius Library).

Assessment Handbooks from the Office of Academic Planning & Assessment at the University of Massachusetts Amherst include information about course-based assessment, how to adapt your course to include assessment, determine when and how often to assess student learning, best practices for assessing student learning at the program-level, resources on defining goals and objectives, and more. 

Assessment Resources: Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) features: institutional and departmental assessment plans, portfolio and capstone assessments, how-to guides, and insights and practices from campuses across the U.S.

VALUE Rubrics (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education) VALUE rubrics are open educational resources that enable educators to assess students’ original work. AAC&U offers a proven methodology for applying the VALUE rubrics to evaluate student performance reliably and verifiably across 16 broad, cross-cutting learning outcomes.

A staff member and student have a discussion in an office.

Individual Consultations

The CAE offers confidential consultations to individuals on a variety of topics whether in-person, over the phone, or via email. Previous consultation topics include: the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), interpreting student evaluations, discussing classroom strategies and pedagogies, elements of course design.

A faculty member speaks to a class.

Mid-semester Assessment of Teaching (MAT)

MATs are confidential, informal, off-the-record, formative feedback from your students about which processes in the classroom are helping them learn and which would help them more. MATs are by appointment (Fall and Spring Semesters). Look for the call from the CAE in your inbox.

*Confidentiality Policy:
To retain our formative / improvement function, we do not reveal which individuals have used our services without prior consent. We also do not advocate for or argue against promotion, tenure or retention of faculty.