Embarking on a semester or year-long study abroad program is an exciting opportunity to expand your academic and cultural horizons.

To ensure students succeed in their international studies while maintaining progress toward their degrees, Fairfield University has established specific academic policies and guidelines. Below, you will find detailed information about course requirements, credit transfer, grading policies, and other key considerations for studying abroad.

Policies, Guidelines, and Requirements

  • The typical course load for a semester study abroad student is four to five courses, equivalent to 15-16 credit hours.
  • Students are expected to enroll in a minimum of 15 credits, including 1-2 Core courses, 1-2 major or minor courses, and 1-2 electives.
  • All coursework must be taken with the partner university/program where the student is enrolled.
  • Students must remain academically engaged for at least four days per week.

  • Courses abroad are conducted in English unless otherwise specified.
  • Students in non-English speaking countries participating in a semester or longer program must take a language and culture course.
  • Programs with required language components will indicate this in the program brochure.

  • Students may only select coursework listed in the Database of Approved Courses for their program and term.
  • Failure to comply with course selection policies may result in delayed graduation or financial implications based on Financial Aid packages.
  • Global Fairfield reserves the right to remove students from unapproved courses and register them for approved courses.

  • Academic coursework completed through a Center or Academically Preferred Program receives Fairfield University resident credit, and grades are calculated into the student’s GPA.
  • Grades on foreign university transcripts cannot be edited or changed by Fairfield University.
  • For Approved Partner or exchange programs (e.g., Blackfriars, CYA, LSE, etc.), grades earn transfer credit but do not affect the Fairfield GPA. A minimum grade of "C" is required for transfer credit.

  • Add/drop policies vary by program and require consultation with Global Fairfield and the host university.
  • Requests for unapproved courses, alternate schedules, or fewer academic engagement days will not be approved.
  • Students must adhere to host institution requirements for full-time enrollment and visa regulations.

  • Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 or meet the GPA requirement of their host program up to the final semester before departure.
  • Students cannot go abroad with an active incomplete on their degree evaluation. Incomplete grades must be resolved before departure.
  • To graduate, at least 60 credits must be taken at Fairfield, including the final 30 semester credits preceding graduation.

  • Some courses abroad include mandatory Field Learning or weekend excursions.
  • Students should anticipate schedules that may include Friday classes or weekend commitments.

  • Students should first follow the academic grievance process of their host program/university abroad.
  • If unresolved, grievances can be filed with Global Fairfield for further resolution in collaboration with the host institution.

Course Selection

Database of Approved Courses

Students should become very familiar with the Academic offerings at the program they wish to apply to.

Each brochure page/program website has an academic section specific to the partner institution the student would be enrolling in and a Database of Approved Courses, which lists all current approved courses by Fairfield University and information on how the course will transcript back to the student’s degree evaluation.

Global Study Plan

Once a student decides to apply to a program, they will be required to complete a Global Study Plan which guides them through the academic planning process.

On this study plan, students select 4-5 first choice courses and 4-5 second choice courses based on what is approved in the program’s Database of Approved Courses.

This study plan will assist students in identifying remaining curriculum requirements and the equivalent courses abroad that fulfill these requirements.

Students should contact their Academic Advisor should they need guidance identifying open requirements. Once completed, students upload the Global Study Plan to their study abroad application.

Program Selection

If your desired program abroad does not offer courses that fulfill your open requirements, please contact Global Fairfield to discuss alternate programs.

Download the Global Study Plan


Students who receive accommodations for academics or housing at Fairfield University during their studies on the Connecticut campus may not find those accommodations available to them outside of the United States. While best efforts for accommodations will be made by both Fairfield and our partners abroad, accomodations abroad cannot be guaranteed.

Learn More About Accessibility Abroad