William M. Abbott
Associate Professor, History
Jennifer Adair
Associate Professor, History
Sergio Adrada Rafael
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Mark Ahrens
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Gayle Alberda
Associate Professor, Politics
David Albright
David Albright
Professor of the Practice, Communication
Nick Allred
Nick Allred
Visiting Assistant Professor, English
Michael Andreychik
Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Covadonga Arango-Martín
Instructor of the Practice, Modern Languages and Literatures
Hillel H. Athias-Robles
Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Jonathon Awtrey
Visiting Assistant Professor, History
Alfred Babo
Co-Director of International Business | Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Paul Baginski
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Jared Bahir Browsh
Visiting Assistant Professor, Communication
Jared Bahir Browsh
Visiting Assistant Professor, Communication
Kimberly Barba
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Karla Barguiarena
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Communication
Steven M. Bayne
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Patricia Behre
Associate Professor, History
Aaron Bentley
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Zhanar Berikkyzy
Zhanar Berikkyzy
Associate Professor, Mathematics
James Biardi
Associate Professor of Biology
Angela Biselli
Department Chair, Physics
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Niall Brennan
Associate Professor, Communication
Lindy Briggette
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
Sara Brill
Professor, Philosophy
Patrick Brooks
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Rachelle J. Brunn-Bevel
Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Ashley Byun
Associate Professor, Biology
Mehmet Cansoy
Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Christopher Carbone
Visiting Instructor, Mathematics
Mary Ann Carolan
Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Christopher Casement
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Suzanne Chamlin-Richer
Associate Professor, Studio Art
Geoffrey Church
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Biology
Michael Ciavaglia
Adjunct, Music | DMA, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
Jennifer Cook
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Sociology & Anthropology
Hadley Cooney
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Robert Cordery
Visiting Assistant Professor, Physics
David Crawford
Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Visiting Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Nancy A. Dallavalle
Director, Center for Catholic Studies | Associate Professor, Religious Studies
Rosemary Danaher
Visiting Instructor, Mathematics
Sonal Date
Sonal Date
Visiting Assistant Professor, Biology
Carol Ann Davis
Director, MFA Program | Director, Curriculum Development | Professor, English
Anthony Decristofaro
Instructor of the Practice, Biology
Joseph DeLuca
Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Mark Demers
Director, Graduate Program in Mathematics | Professor, Mathematics
Christopher DiBiase
Christopher DiBiase
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
David Downie
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs | Associate Professor, Politics
Ryan Drake
Department Chair | Associate Professor, Philosophy
Laura Dumitrescu
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Upasana Dutta
Upasana Dutta
Assistant Professor, English
Glenn Dynner
Glenn Dynner
Professor & Carl & Dorothy Bennett Chair, Religious Studies
Sara E. Díaz
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Christine Earls
Instructor of the Practice, Biology
Sean Edgecomb
Sean Edgecomb
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts | Director, Arts Institute
Philip Eliasoph
Professor, Art History & Visual Culture
Zoe Erotopoulos
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Modern Languages and Literatures
Michelle Leigh Farrell
Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Associate Professor, Biology
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Bellarmine Campus
Lindsay Ferrara
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
Lawrence Fitzgerald
Lawrence Fitzgerald
Professor of the Practice, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Frances Forrest
Frances Forrest
Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Johanna X. K. Garvey
Associate Professor, English
Laura Gasca Jiménez
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Shannon Gerry
Department Chair and Professor, Biology
Hadi Gharabaghi
Hadi Gharabaghi
Visiting Assistant Professor of Film, Television and Media Arts, Visual and Performing Arts
Matthew D. Glassman
Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Joel D. Goldfield
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Associate Professor, English
Amanda Haber
Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Emily Hangen
Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Shannon M. Harding
Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Rob Hardy
Director, Master of Arts in Interior Design
Clarence Hardy III
Professor of the Practice, Religious Studies
Ryan Harper
Ryan Harper
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Religious Studies
Amanda Leatherman
Associate Director, Honors Program | Professor, Chemistry
Olivia Harriott
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences | Associate Professor, Biology
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Austin Henke
Austin Henke
Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Linda Henkel
Chair and Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Elizabeth Hohl
Assistant Professor of the Practice, History
Mary Kate Holman
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Neha Hooda
Professor of the Practice, Mathematics
Sean Horan
Professor, Communication
Sonya Huber
Professor, English | Dogwood Editor
Annemarie Iddins
Associate Professor, Communication
Jerelyn M. Johnson
Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Maryam Kamali
Visiting Assistant Professor, History
Instructor of the Practice, Mathematics | Associate Director of the Center for Academic Excellence
Jessica Karanian
Associate Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Shannon E. Kelley
Associate Professor, English | Internship Coordinator
Director of the Health Studies Minor | Visiting Assistant Professor, Biology
Maryam Khalili
Maryam Khalili
Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Shannon King
Associate Professor, History
Phil Klay
Associate Professor of the Practice, English
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Scott Lacy
Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Karen Langton
Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
Anna Lawrence
Associate Professor, History
Janie L. Leatherman
Professor, Politics & International Studies
Danke Li
Professor, History
Daniel Libatique
Vincent J. Rosivach Assistant Professor of Classical Studies
Chia-Hua Lin
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Kevin Lord
Assistant Professor of the Practice, History
Visiting Instructor, Mathematics
Silvia Marsans-Sakly
Associate Professor of the Practice, History
Navin Maswood
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Biology
Margaret M. McClure
Associate Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship | Director, Honors Program | Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Laura McSweeney
Associate Professor, Mathematics
 John Miecznikowsk
Faculty Chair, Ignatian Residential College | Chair and Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Eric Mielants
Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Christian Multunas
Visiting Assistant Professor Physics
Lisa Naples
Lisa Naples
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Robert Nazarian
Associate Professor, Physics | Founding Director, Center for Climate, Coastal, and Marine Studies
D'Arcee Neal
D'Arcee Charington Neal
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
Martin Nguyen
Professor, Religious Studies
Olivier Nicaise
Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Emily Orlando
E. Gerald Corrigan Chair | Professor, English | Internship Coordinator
Tod Osier
Associate Professor, Biology
Meryl O’Connor
Meryl O’Connor
Professor of the Practice, Film, Television, and Media Arts
Michael Pagano
Professor, Communication
Jeanne Peloso
Professor of the Practice, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Assistant Professor, English
Elizabeth Petrino
Professor, English | Director of Associate Degree in Liberal Studies at Bellarmine College
Lynne Porter
Professor, Visual & Performing Arts
Sunil Purushotham
Associate Professor, History
Shawn Rafalski
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Susan Rakowitz
Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Paul Riccio
Paul Riccio
Assistant Professor, Biology
Viviana Rigo de Alonso
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Modern Languages and Literatures
Rachel Robinson-Zetzer
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
Rose Rodrigues
Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
Christine Rodriguez
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Biology
Luis Alberto Rodríguez Cortés
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Modern Languages and Literatures
Marice Rose
Professor, Visual & Performing Arts
Matthew Rowley
Matthew Rowley
Visiting Assistant Professor, History
Giovanni Ruffini
Professor, Classical Studies
Adam Rugg
Director, Sports Media | Associate Professor, Communication
Nicholas Rutter
Assistant Professor of the Practice, History
M. Sallyanne Ryan
Assistant Professor, Communication
Christina SanInocencio
Director, Visiting Assistant Professor, Communication
Tina Santiago
Instructor of the Practice, Biology
Stephen Sawin
Professor, Mathematics
Karl Schmidt
Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Thomas C. Schmidt
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Liam Sharp
Liam Sharp
Visiting Assistant Professor, Physics
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy
John Slotemaker
Professor, Religious Studies
Jason Smith
Jason Smith
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Practice, Philosophy
L. Kraig Steffen
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Morinade J. Stevenson
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Elizabeth Stone photo
Elizabeth Stone
Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jonathan Stott
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Physics
Hollie Sutherland
Hollie Sutherland
Professor of the Practice, Master of Arts in Interior Design
Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
John E. Thiel
Professor & Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. Professor of Catholic Studies
Lembe Tiky
Lembe Tiky
Assistant Professor, Politics
Kathleen Tomlin
Associate Professor of the Practice, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Susan Trolle
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Joshua Uhalt
Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Aaron Van Dyke
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Daniel Van Wyk
Daniel Van Wyk
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Andrew Ward
Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Scott Weatherbee
Associate Professor, Molecular Biology
Aaron Weinstein
Assistant Professor, Politics
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English Writing
Eileen M. Wilkinson
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Modern Languages and Literatures
Sara Williams
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Maggie Wills
Director, Liberal & Professional Studies | Associate Professor, Communication
Lydia Willsky-Ciollo
Associate Professor, Religious Studies
Jiwei Xiao
Professor, Film, Television, and Media Arts
Lei (Tommy) Xie
Associate Professor, English
Jo Yarrington
Professor, Visual & Performing Arts
Bora Yook
Assistant Professor, Communication
Nadia Francine Zamin
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English
Professor, Communication
Zhu Zhang
Assistant Professor, Politics
Boyuan Zhang
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Wen Zhao
Associate Professor, PR Program Director, Communication