Thank you for choosing Fairfield University for your summer studies.
Thank you for choosing Fairfield University for your summer studies.
May 19, 2025 - June 2, 2025.
Family Communication (COMM 2246-01)
Critical Issues in American Popular Music: Blues to Hip Hop (MUSC 1132-01)
Honors 2202 Seminar (On Campus, HONR 2202-01)
Intro to American Politics (POLI 1101-01)
Contemporary Moral Problems (RLST 2552-01)
Criminal Justice System (SOCI 2220-01)
May 19, 2025-June 27, 2025.
Intermediate Accounting I (ACCT 2203-01)
Business Ethics (AETH 2291-01)
Biological Anthropology (ANTH 1200-01)
Fundamentals of Biology (BIOL 1015-01)
Bioinspiration: Innovation Inspired by Nature (BIOL 1020-01)
Environmental Science (BIOL 1076-01)
Introduction to Marine Biology (BIOL 1078-01)
Human Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL 1107-01) & (BIOL 1107L-01)
Chemistry of Nutrition (CHEM 1033-01)
Molecules of Life (CHEM 1087-01)
General Chemistry I (CHEM 1171-01) (CHEM 1171L-01)
Organic Chemistry (CHEM 2271-01) (CHEM 2271L-01)
Human Communication Studies (COMM 1100-01)
Intercultural Communication (COMM 2240-01)
Introduction to Microeconomics (ECON 1011-01)
Economics of Race, Class and Gender in the American
Workplace (ECON 2114-01)
Fair Trade and Microfinance (ECON 3237-01)
Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 1001-01)
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies (ENGL 1010-01)
International Short Fiction (ENGL 1110-01)
Business Writing (ENGL 1832-01)
Financial Management (FNCE 3215-01)
Origins of the Modern World Since 1500 (HIST 1100-01)
Gandhi and Non-Violent Revolution in the 20th Century (HIST 2266-01)
Database Systems (DATA 3260-01)
Introduction to Management (MGMT 2101-01)
Business Strategies in the Global Environment (MGMT 4300-01)
Negotiations and Dispute Resolution (MGMT 4360-01)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG 1101-01)
Consumer Behavior (MKTG 2212-01)
Applied Calculus I (MATH 1121-01, & 02)
Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 1101-01)
Nature of the Universe (PHYS 1078-02)
General Physics I (PHYS 1171-01 & PHYS 1171L-01)
United States Foreign Policy (POLI 2476-01)
Lifespan Development (PSYC 1101-01)
Adult Development and Aging (PSYC 2120)
Common Questions, Traditional Response (RLST 1002-01-03)
Contemporary Moral Problems (RLST 2552-01)
Early Christianity (RLST 2428-01-03)
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 1100-01)
Criminology (SOCI 2200-01)
Sociology of Religion (SOCI 1125-01)
Art of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas (AHST 1103-01)
Critical Issues in American Popular Music: Blues to Hip Hop (MUSC 1132-02)
Digital Tools in Art Making (SART 1101-01)
July 1, 2025-August 15, 2025.
Intermediate Accounting II (ACCT 2204-01)
Ethics of War and Peace (AETH 2293-01)
Biomedical Anthropology (ANTH 1210-01-02)
Cultural Anthropology: (ANTH 1101-01)
Environmental Science (BIOL 1076-02)
Human Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOL 1108-01) (BIOL 1108L-01)
Chemistry of Nutrition (CHEM 1033-02)
Molecules of Life (CHEM 1087-02)
General Chemistry I (CHEM 1172-01) (CHEM 1172L-01)
Organic Chemistry (CHEM 2272-01) (CHEM 2272L-01)
Mass Media and Society (COMM 1130-01)
Introduction to Macroeconomics (ECON 1012-01)
Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 1001-04)
Business Writing (ENGL 1832-02)
Origins of the Modern World Since 1500 (HIST 1100-02)
Gandhi and Non-Violent Revolution in the 20th Century (HIST 2266-02)
Digital Marketing (MKTG 2241-01)
Precalculus (MATH 1011-01)
Applied Calculus (MATH 1121-03)
Statistics I (MATH 2217-02)
Ancient Philosophy (PHIL 2200-01)
Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 1101-03)
General Physics II (PHYS 1172-01 & PHYS 1172L-01)
American Public Policy (POLI 2109-01)
Introduction to Christian Ethics (RLST 1501-01)
The Problem of God (RLST 2331-01)
Filmmaker Studies-Harold Lloyd (FTMA 2201-01)
Music, History and Development of Rock (MUSC 1102-01)
We are always happy to assist you. Please email or call 203-254-4000, ext. 2911 to discuss our summer undergraduate courses, request a syllabus, or obtain permission to register for summer courses with prerequisites.
If you have not yet done so, please take a moment to review our Summer course offerings, searchable by date/time and subject.
After logging into the Course Finder, from the drop-down menu, select the term and hit continue.
In the subject box, type the subject in which you are interested (Communication, Biology, English, Finance, Math, Philosophy, Religious Studies) and hit search.
From the list of classes, click on hyperlinks to see the course description and instructor email.
Copy the CRN (Course Reference Number) for any course you would like to take. You will use this number to register for the class.
After selecting your class(es), click “Registration” at the top of the page and then click “Register for Classes.”