Winter Break Credit Courses

Accelerate your degree program this winter with an intensive, three-credit online course from Fairfield University. All Winter Intersession courses will be held online.

Undergraduate courses will be offered in the following formats:

  • Two-week online courses from Tuesday, January 2, 2024 to Monday, January 15, 2024 (unless otherwise noted)
  • Four-week online courses from Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024

Please contact Sandy Richardson at if you have any questions or need additional information.


Undergraduate Credit Courses

Registration: November 1, 2023 to December 19, 2023
Registration Fee: $50

Tuition: $2,565 per three-credit course ($855 per credit). Full payment is due at the time of registration for Winter Intersession courses. Students will be subject to withdrawal from the course(s) due to non-payment. If your intent is not to take the class, please note that it is your responsibility to officially drop the course in order to avoid being liable for charges associated with the registration.

Graduate Credit Courses

Registration: November 1, 2023 to December 19, 2023
Registration Fee: $50
Tuition: Graduate tuition rates vary by program and can be found through the Office of the Bursar. Full payment is due at the time of registration for Winter Intersession courses. Students will be subject to withdrawal from the course(s) due to non-payment. If your intent is not to take the class, please note that it is your responsibility to officially drop the course in order to avoid being liable for charges associated with the registration.


All students must register online

Students can enroll in a maximum of two 3-credit courses. However, full-time and part-time students should consult with their academic advisor before enrolling in more than three credits during the Winter Intersession. Students should also consult with financial aid if applicable.

For any registration questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at It is not possible to add students into classes after the registration period has closed.

Please note: Although classes will be offered during this time period, all University Administrative Offices (including the Bursar, Registrar, and Advising Offices) will be closed during the holiday break and will reopen on January 2, 2024. Administrators and advisors will respond to messages as soon as possible upon their return.


Current & Returning Students:

  1. Register online at Click here for course registration instructions and payment options. 
  2. To make a payment, return to, search for “Online Billing and Payment- Student” and click on the task. 

New Visiting Students:

  • Apply by completing the steps here for “New Visiting Students.” Once you complete the First Time User Form and claim your Net-ID, you will be able to register for a course. 
  • Register online at Click here for course registration instructions and payment options. 
  • To make a payment, return to, search for “Online Billing and Payment- Student” and click on the task.  

Note to Visiting Students: Contact Sandy Richardson at to obtain permission from the Fairfield University Office of the Proost to register for any undergraduate courses that have prerequisites. 

For additional information and guidance, visiting students should call 203-254-5532


Students may drop themselves from an undergraduate or graduate course 7 days or more before the start of the course for a full refund using the online registration system. 

After this date, a withdrawal request must be emailed to the Office of the Registrar at and the refund will be based on the University’s refund policy. *Note: Winter refunds for all students follow the schedule for 4-5 Week and 1-3 Week courses listed under Graduate and Continuing Studies and available on the Bursar's website. 

Since University Offices will be closed during the holiday break and will reopen on January 2, 2024, your time-stamped email to the Registrar will be used to determine withdrawal and refund eligibility. 

Course Withdrawal Deadlines:

Tuesday, January 2, 2024: Last day for four-week winter course withdrawals.

Friday, January 5, 2024: Last day for two-week winter course withdrawals. 


All Blackboard courses are accessed through portal. Access to the internet is required. 

Students who register for an online courses will receive a syllabus from their professor. 

Students must buy textbooks prior to the start of class. Textbooks may be purchased online

Students can search for their class and purchase their books from this site. Textbooks can be shipped directly to the student’s address or picked up at the Fairfield University campus bookstore. 

Please note that courses, dates, times, and faculty are subject to change. Please check with the Office of the Registrar at to ensure accurate information. 

For details on courses, registration, pre-work or syllabi, please contact Sandy Richardson at 


Four & Two Week Undergraduate Online Courses

All four–week, online Week Intersession courses are three-credit and run from Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024


Four Week Online Courses

Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 1110 (01) (CRN 12435)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Alfred Babo
This course fulfills a MSJ1 Signature Element requirement and meets the World Diversity requirement.

Why is there such variety in the way people live, dress, speak, eat, love and fight? This course explores the shared patterns of thought, behavior, and feelings - that is, the cultures - of a number of peoples and presents explanations for the forms they take and the differences between them. The course helps students develop a new perspective on the values and institutions of Western culture.

Biological Anthropology
ANTH 1200 (01) (CRN 12436)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Joseph Wilson
This course meets the core natural science requirement and not the social science requirement.

The study of natural selection, primate evolution, and living primate societies provides a baseline from which to study the evolution of the human species. The course also traces human cultural and social development from the foraging bands of the first humans to the civilizations that appeared at the dawn of written history. Students also examine physical variation among living populations. 


Ethics in Healthcare
AETH 2285 (01) (CRN 12481)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: James Abordo Ong

This course considers the moral dilemmas of the healthcare setting. Topics include patients' rights (medical paternalism and patient autonomy, informed consent to therapy, and participation in research); dilemmas of reproduction (technological assistance, abortion, cloning); dilemmas of life and death (assisted suicide, euthanasia, technological interventions for the dying); allocation of healthcare resources; and the special dilemmas of healthcare professionals caught in binds between HMO contracts and professional obligations. (Prerequisite: One course in Philosophy or Religious Studies)

Business Ethics
AETH 2291 (01) (CRN 12439)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: James Abordo Ong
PLEASE NOTE: This winter course section DOES NOT fulfill a MSJ2 Signature Element due to its condensed format. 

This course investigates ethical problems in business practice. Topics include the foundation of the free-market system, personal morality in profit-oriented enterprises; codes of ethics, obligations to employees and other stakeholders; truth in advertising, whistle-blowing, and company loyalty; self and government regulation; the logic and future of capitalism; and the changing responsibilities of the manager in a rapidly globalizing business environment. (Prerequisite: One course in Philosophy or Religious Studies)


Bioinspiration: Innovation Inspired by Nature
Two sections:
BIOL 1020 (01) (CRN 12413)
BIOL 1020 (02) (CRN 12497)
Both course sections are asynchronous online
Professor: Christine Rodriguez
Both course sections fulfill a MWAC Signature Element requirement and a MSID Signature Element requirement.

This course introduces topics in Biology which have inspired developments in technology to the non-science major. Special emphasis is placed on ethical and social issues related to the knowledge and application of these technologies. Topics include biomimicry, antibiotics, gene editing, synthetic biology, and more. Through the semester, students will work together to design a biomedical engineering solution to an existing problem in nature. Note: This course counts as a natural science interdisciplinary core but does not satisfy requirements for the biology major or minor.

Introduction to Marine Science
BIOL 1078
Three sections - All are asynchronous online courses:
- BIOL 1078 (01) (CRN 12415) Professor: Shannon Gerry This course section (01) fulfills a MSID Signature Element requirement and a MWAC Signature Element requirement.
- BIOL 1078 (02) (CRN 12469) Professor: Gregory Burzynski - This course section (02) fulfills a MSID Signature Element requirement.
- BIOL 1078 (03) (CRN 12495) Professor: David Hudson - This course section (03) fulfills a MSID Signature Element requirement.

This course introduces the non-science major to the field of oceanography. Topics dealing with the geological, physical, chemical, and biological aspects of science underscore the interdisciplinary nature of world ocean study. Note: This course counts as a natural science core but does not satisfy requirements for the biology major or minor.


Human Communication Theories
COMM 1100 (01) (CRN 12424)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Qin Zhang
This course section fulfills a MWAC Signature Element requirement.

This course introduces major theoretical perspectives that inform communication scholarship. This foundational course for the major emphasizes understanding human communication as a symbolic process that creates, maintains, and alters personal, social, and cultural identities. Students critique research literature in the communication field. This course counts in the social and behavioral sciences core curriculum for non-majors.

Mass Media and Society
COMM 1130 (01) (CRN 12425)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Adam Rugg
This course section fulfills a MWAC Signature Element requirement.

This media literacy course offers theoretical and practical tools to critically analyze media texts, as well as understand different ways in which audiences interact with them. Students will inquire into how the pervasive mediation of human experience through mass communication channels affects almost every aspect of socialization processes and people's symbolic environment. The interplay between structural constraints conveyed in media's messages and humans' capacity to exercise interpretive agency is addressed through lectures, audiovisual examples, hands-on activities, and a variety of assignments aimed at discerning the elements that intervene in the construction and reception of media texts, beyond their apparent components. This course counts in the social and behavioral sciences core curriculum for non-majors.

Intercultural Communication
COMM 2240 (01) (CRN 12426)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Qin Zhang
This course section fulfills a MSJ2 Signature Element requirement and meets the U.S. Diversity requirement.

This course deals with challenges to communication between people of different cultural backgrounds, emphasizing the ways communication practices reveal cultural values and the role of communication in creating and sustaining cultural identities. Students discuss how differences in value orientation, perception, thought patterns, and nonverbal behavior cause misunderstanding, tension, and conflict in business, education, and healthcare settings. Registration preference is given to Communication and International Studies majors.(Prerequisite: COMM 01100 or COMM 1102 or INST 1050).


Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1011 (01) (CRN 12407)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: William Vasquez Mazariegos

This course analyzes the behavior of individual consumers and producers as they deal with the economic problem of allocating scarce resources. The course examines how markets function to establish prices and quantities through supply and demand, how resource costs influence firm supply, and how variations in competition levels affect economic efficiency. Topics may include antitrust policy, the distribution of income, the role of government, and environmental problems. 

Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 1012 (01) (CRN 12408)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: William Vasquez Mazariegos

This course develops models of the aggregate economy to determine the level of output, income, prices, and unemployment in an economy. In recognition of the growing importance of global economic activity, these models incorporate the international sector. The course examines and evaluates the role of public economic policy, including fiscal and monetary policy. Topics may include growth theory and price stability. 

Health Economics
ECON 2140 (01) (CRN 12409)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Anna-Maria Aksan

This course begins by applying microeconomic theory to the health sector of the U.S. economy. The U.S. experience will be generalized to global health issues and alternative health care systems. Topics include the demand for health care and health insurance, managed care and the role of government, physician compensation, and specialty choice, the role of nurses and other healthcare professionals, the hospital sector, and medical cost inflation. 


Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies
ENGL 1010 (01) (CRN 12416)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Christopher Madden
This course meets the World Diversity requirement

This course allows students to develop ways of reading, analyzing, and interacting with texts in English from around the globe. You will focus on such questions as: How are literary texts produced? How do local, national, and global cultures and events affect the way authors fashion their texts? Do literary works produced in different cultures at the same time "speak to each other" across time and space? The course will be run as a combination of lecture and small group discussion and will make use of web-based background materials to provide context and depth to the readings. 

Imagining Shakespeare
ENGL 1410 (01) (CRN 12451)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Jill Bodach

Shakespeare is considered the greatest writer in the English language. This course will investigate how his genius is expressed in comedy, history, tragedy, and romance. We will study how each kind of play influences the others in every part of Shakespeare's career. Plays include The Taming of the Shrew, Richard III, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Henry IV, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest. We will take a multimedia approach by analyzing performances as well as text. The history of Shakespeare's era and of his critics will be studied as well. 


Seminar in Finance: Valuation and M&A

FNCE 4390 (01) (CRN 12410)

Asynchronous online course

Professor: Nomalia Manna

This course investigates how smaller companies (both public and private) cope as big companies become bigger and the IPOs decline in the U.S. market. Morgan Stanley has estimated the private market to grow to about $12.5 trillion in 2025. According to WSJ, buyouts, growth equity and venture capital account for about 69% of the industry in recent years. Private-equity firms, whose funds have long been a core holding for pensions and other institutions, are now racing to develop new products that will appeal to wealthy individuals and market them to the financial advisers who manage their money. According to CB Insights, there are more than 1,100 “unicorns,” or privately held companies valued at more than $1 billion. Additionally, with the SPAC boom over the last two years, the focus is shifting towards the private market. 

This course teaches students about valuations, structuring, and market reactions to PE activities and SPACs. Through case studies, the course will examine the latest evidence on how investors value the private market, how PEs conduct buyouts, and how SPACs signal the urgency of more fund flows to the private market. Seminars are open to finance majors only. Prerequisites may vary.


Origins of the Modern World Since 1500
Two sections:
HIST 1100 (01) (CRN 12418)
HIST 1100 (02) (CRN 12496)
Both course sections are asynchronous online
Professor: Jonathon Awtrey
Both course sections fulfill a MSJ2 Signature Element requirement.

This course, which examines the history of Europe and its relationship to the world from the end of the Middle Ages through the 19th century, emphasizes the cultural, social, economic, and political forces and structures that led to the development of commercial and industrial capitalism, and the effects of this development on Europe, the New World, Asia, and Africa. Topics include the Renaissance and Reformation; the Transatlantic Slave Trade; European expansion and colonialism; the development of strong nation states; the Enlightenment; the Industrial Revolution and conflicting ideological and political responses; changing social, family, and gender relationships; and the increasing interaction of Europeans and non-Europeans. Critical analysis of primary and secondary sources develops skills in historical methodology that are of great value in many other academic pursuits. Written assignments and class discussions enhance these skills.


Introduction to International Business

INTL 2101 (01) (CRN 12445)

Asynchronous online course

Professor: Helena Keefe 

This course section fulfills a MSJ2 Signature Element requirement.

The main goal of this course is to introduce students to the core concepts, topics, and issues facing businesses operating in the global market today. Students will learn about the changing business environment, international institutions, issues related to international trade and trade agreements, international financial system and exchange rates, global production and supply chain management, and global marketing. Through the study of these topics in international business, students will learn about how the global economy functions and the challenges and opportunities multinational corporations face in working with international organizations, local governments, businesses and consumers, and global competitors.


Introduction to Management
MGMT 2101 (01) (CRN 12443)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Yifeng Fan

This course integrates, through theory and its application, the various topics, concepts, and modalities that make up the Management discipline. Its purpose is twofold: 1) to provide all business students with a strong grounding in how individuals and organizations function to support the strategic goals of business, and 2) to provide a foundation for further study by management majors and minors. The course introduces students to learn/group work; the relationship of business to local, national, and global communities; the ethical implications of business decisions and models; organizational behavior; human resource management; leadership and organizational culture. (Prerequisite: Sophomore standing)

Business Strategies in the Global Environment
MGMT 4300 (01) (CRN 12444)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Yifeng Fan

This capstone course, required for senior level students in the Dolan School of Business, integrates the business core through the concept of strategic management. It offers an opportunity for students to put together all they have learned in their discipline and to see the "big picture" of how business organizations function. The primary goal is to prepare students to think like top managers and to understand that strategic decision-making encompasses all parts of the organization, internal and external, bringing together all disciplines of management. The course includes lectures, readings, cases, and a capstone group project. Open to matriculated business majors only. (Prerequisite: Senior standing)


Principles of Marketing
MKTG 1101 (01) (CRN 12411)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Camelia Micu

This course introduces the fundamental concepts and theories that drive day-to-day marketing decisions. A thorough understanding of the marketplace (consumer or business-to-business) is at the heart of such decision making. In this course, students will learn to identify and satisfy customer's wants and needs. The core tools that enable managers to move from decision-making to action are addressed, namely: product development, pricing, channel management and structure, and promotions (including advertising and sales). Additional topics include global marketing, societal and marketing ethics, and digital marketing. Students are required to work in a team to construct a marketplace analysis for a chosen product/service. 

Digital Marketing
MKTG 2241 (01) (CRN 12412)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Camelia Micu

In this course, students will undertake an applied perspective towards marketing on current digital platforms (company's website, social media platforms, etc.) and will learn how to adapt the traditional marketing strategies onto the digital space. Topics to be covered include website design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, and web analytics. The course is designed to get students to think like a digital marketing professional, and to give them experience with industry-relevant hands-on assignments and exercises. (Prerequisites: MKTG 1101; sophomore standing)


Applied Calculus I
MATH 1121 (01) (CRN 12419)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Anna DiCenso

Topics in this course include foundations of the calculus, differentiation of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, extrema and curve sketching, applications of derivatives, antiderivatives, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and integration of algebraic functions. A graphing calculator and Wolfram Alpha are among the technologies that may be used. Students who received credit for MATH 1141 or MATH 1171 may not take this course for credit. (Prerequisite: Precalculus)

Statistics I
MATH 2217 (02) (CRN 12487)
Synchronous online course. Course will meet from 8:30 to 12 p.m. on the following dates:
December 21 and 22, 2023
December 27, 28 and 29, 2023
January 3, 4 and 5, 2024
January 9, 10 and 11, 2024
Professor: Michael Herley

This introductory, calculus-based statistics course focuses on applications in business, statistics, and everyday events. Topics include descriptive statistics including mean, median, mode, standard deviation, histograms, distributions, box plots, and scatter plots; probability theory including counting rules, random variables, probability distributions, expected values, binomial and normal distributions, and the central limit theorem; inferential statistics including point estimates, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing; and regression theory. Students learn to analyze data with the aid of common software packages. Mathematics majors may not take this course as a mathematics elective. Students who have received credit for MATH 3317 or MATH 3352 may not take this course for credit. (Prerequisite: MATH 1121 or MATH 1122 or MATH 1141 or MATH 1142 or MATH 1171 or MATH 1172)


History of Music: 1700-1964

MUSC 1104 (01) (CRN 12454)

Asynchronous online course

Professor: Michael Ciavaglia

This course explores the ways in which composers manipulated musical language to meet the growing demands of the middle class. After learning the basic elements of music, students explore the world of the Enlightenment and Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. In the romantic period, the course explores the interaction of all the arts and the influence of politics and economics on compositional style. With the dawn of the 20th century, the course explores what ‘modern’ means, learns about attempts to expand and replace musical language, and studies the impact of American culture on music. 


Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1101 (01) (CRN 12420)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Kristin Culbertson

This course is a topical introduction to philosophy. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the vocation of wonder and questioning by engaging students in discussions about some of the basic questions of philosophy.Students will read texts from historical and contemporary writers, and will be asked to develop their own skills of thinking, reading, and writing critically.


Nature of the Universe

PHYS 1078 (01) (CRN 12421)

Asynchronous online course

Professor: Joachim Kuhn

This course, intended for non-science majors, reviews the scientific field of cosmology, or the nature of the physical universe, from a historical perspective. Beginning with the ancients, the course traces the development of cosmological principles through the Greek and Egyptian era of Aristotle, C. Ptolemy, and others; the 16th and 17th centuries of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton; and the cosmology of the 20th century based upon Einstein's theories of relativity coupled with several fundamental observations. This leads to an examination of the current model of the universe, which is based upon the Big Bang theory.


Introduction to International Relations

POLI 1104 (01) (CRN 12423)

Asynchronous online course

Professor: Lucrecia Garcia-Iommi

This course section fulfills a MSJ2 Signature Element requirement. 

PLEASE NOTE: This winter course section DOES NOT fulfill a MWAC Signature Element due to its condensed format.  

This course introduces students to important concepts, frameworks, events, and theories in International Relations and provides the tools needed to improve their understanding of global politics both historically and today. The course familiarizes students with conceptual tools that can help them analyze, understand and address a variety of current international issues and policy challenges.


Lifespan Development

PSYC 1110 (01) (CRN 12470)

Asynchronous online course

Professor: Jean Peloso

The course encompasses a developmental psychology approach to the growth of the individual from birth to old age, tracing motor, perceptual, language, cognitive, and emotional growth and emphasizing normal development. Psychology majors and students who have taken PSYC 2110 or PSYC 2150 may not take this course.


Common Questions, Traditional Responses
RLST 1002
Three sections:
RLST 1002 (01) (CRN 12431) 
RLST 1002 (02) (CRN 12489) 
RLST 1002 (03) (CRN 12492)
Professor: John Slotemaker
All sections are asynchronous online.
All sections fulfill a MWAC Signature Element requirement and a MSJ1 Signature Element requirement.

This course examines the major questions addressed by most world religions, with special emphasis on how they are answered in a specific major tradition. Topics include the nature of the sacred and its relationship to human persons, the problem of evil and innocent suffering, religion's call for social responsibility, and the nature and function of ritual.

Peoples of the Book, Sacred Texts, and Their Communities
RLST 1004 (01) (CRN 12471)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Matthew Glassman

This course examines the relationship between sacred text and the historical communities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Focusing on shared narratives, such as Adam and Eve in the Garden, the course illustrates the different ways that texts are interpreted and the various roles that Scripture plays in these communities.

The Problem of God
RLST 2331 (01) (CRN 12433)
Asynchronous online course
Professor: Erik Ranstrom

This historical and theological examination of the Christian doctrine of God pays special attention to the problematic aspects of the development of this doctrine through the ages, exploring this development in biblical sources; patristic, medieval, Reformation, and modern times. The course concludes with a consideration of the challenge of post-Enlightenment atheism and of the efforts of contemporary theologians to recast the classical conception of God. (Prerequisite: One 1000-level religious studies course)

Early Christianity
RLST 2428
Two sections:
RLST 2428 (01) (CRN 12434) Professor: Thomas Schmidt
RLST 2428 (02) (CRN 12491) Professor: Thomas Schmidt
Both sections are asynchronous online.
Both sections fulfill a MWAC Signature Element requirement.

This course presents a historical overview of early Christianity between the end of the first century and the close of the sixth. The focus of the course is on the institutional and theological development of the early Church after the final books of the New Testament were written. Topics examined include: Jesus and Judaism, Christianity and the Roman Empire, heresies of the Early Church, and the development of Christian theology - in particular, the doctrines of Christ and the Trinity. (Prerequisite: One 1000-level religious studies course)


Two Week Online Courses

Family Communication

COMM 2246 (01) (CRN 12480) 

This course runs from Tuesday, January 2, 2024 to Monday, January 15, 2024 and meets online in synchronous sessions from 1/2/24 to 1/12/24 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

This course is a combination of synchronous and asynchronous online sessions. 

Professor: Margaret Wills

Meets the U.S. Diversity requirement.

In this course students come to understand how families are constituted through symbolic processes and interaction; explore the verbal and non-verbal communication behaviors that are developed and preferred in different kinds of families; learn various theories for understanding family interactions at the individual, dyadic, group, and systems levels; analyze family communication patterns using established theories and methods; connect family dynamics to social trends and processes including the roles of the mass media and popular culture; and explore ways culture, class, gender, and sexuality affect and are affected by family structures, roles, and communication patterns. (Prerequisites: COMM 1100 or COMM 1102 or COMM 1130)


Critical Issues in American Popular Music: Blues to Hip Hop

MUSC 1132 (01) (CRN 12403)

Asynchronous online course from Tuesday, January 2, 2024 to Monday, January 15, 2024

Professor: Brian Torff

This course section fulfills a MSJR Signature Element requirement and meets the U.S. Diversity requirement.

This course provides an in-depth look at the important musical, social, and racial issues in American popular music, from the media exploitation of the blues in the 1920s through current issues in hip hop. Subject areas will include blues and its origins, jazz and modernism, the obstacles of race in music, the death of rhythm and blues, rock's evolution in the 1950s, rap and hip hop culture, and issues in both postmodernism and perverse as seen by many music and art critics.


Introduction to Drawing

SART 1012 (01) (CRN 12404)

This course runs from Tuesday, January 2, 2024 to Monday, January 15, 2024 and meets online in synchronous sessions from 1/2/24 to 1/12/24 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

This course is a combination of synchronous and asynchronous online sessions. 

Professor: Kathryn Jo Yarrington

This course focuses on the act of seeing and its intimate connection with mark-making. Experiences develop observational, expressive, and conceptual skills. Students explore the formal elements of drawing, such as line, value, composition, and form, and how they can be used to express an awareness of one's self and the world around one. The course explores a variety of materials and processes through in- and out-of-class projects. Students participate in critiques of these projects and, through writing and speaking, develop a language of aesthetic awareness and a sense of artistic quality. Registered students will be emailed a list of supplies to be purchased and set-up prior to the start of the course.


Graduate Online Course - Dolan School of Business

Analytics Programming for Business
DATA 5410 (01) (CRN 12440)
1.5 credits
Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024
Asynchronous Online
Professor: Yasin Ozcelik

This course focuses on quantitative modeling and analyzing business problems using spreadsheet software, such as Excel and its add-ins. Topics include descriptive analytics, visualizing and exploring data, predictive modeling, regression analysis, time series analysis, portfolio decisions, risk management, and simulation. Business models relevant to finance, accounting, marketing, and operations management are set up and solved, with managerial interpretations and "what if" analyses to provide further insight into real business problems and solutions. Open to MS Management students only.

This course is open to visiting graduate students provided that they have taken a Statistics course in the last 3 years with a grade of B or better. Please email Sandy Richardson in the Office of the Provost at and provide a copy of your transcript for review. 

Fundamentals of Analytics
DATA 6100 (01) (CRN 12441)
3 credits
Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024
Asynchronous Online
Professor: Yasin Ozcelik

This is an introductory level graduate course focusing on spreadsheet modeling to analyze and solve business problems. Topics include descriptive analytics, data visualization, predictive modeling, time series analysis, and data mining. Contemporary analytical models utilized in finance, marketing, accounting, and management are set up and solved through case studies.

This course is open to visiting graduate students who have knowledge of college level statistics. Please email Sandy Richardson in the Office of the Provost at and provide a copy of your transcript for review.


DBA Degree and Careers
BUSN 7050 (01) (CRN 12488)
1.5 Credits
Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024 Asynchronous online.
Saturdays, Dec. 30, 2023, Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Synchronous online.
Professor: Carlos Pena

This course is designed to help DBA students to better understand their career choices and/or broaden their perspective of career possibilities, with the executive DBA degree. Different disciplinary perspectives from Accounting, Analytics, Economics, Finance, Management, and Marketing will be shared. Alumni of DBA programs from Dolan School and other business schools will be invited as guest speakers to share their experiences and reflections. Students will be evaluated based on their participation, a career portfolio and sharing of their own career aspirations after completing the DBA degree. This course is NOT open to visiting students.

For registration assistance, Fairfield University students should contact the Dolan Graduate Team: Leanne De Los Santos at or Michelle Lesko at or the Program Director Mousumi Bhattacharya at


Stakeholder Value

FNCE 6500 (01) (CRN 12402)

3 credits

Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024

Asynchronous Online

Professor: Noradeen Farlekas

This course examines business decision-making with the aim of creating and managing value for stakeholders. Accordingly, students learn how to lead and manage a business in a competitive environment. This involves the formulation of corporate objectives and strategies, operational planning, and integration of various business functions leading to greater stakeholder value. Topics include investment and strategic financial decision-making. A business simulation facilitates the learning process. (Prerequisite: FNCE 5400). This course is NOT open to visiting students.


Advertising Management
MKTG 6540 (01) (CRN 12478)
3 credits
Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024
Asynchronous Online
Professor: William Natlo

This course provides a comprehensive overview of advertising and promotional processes, and develops strategies facilitating managerial decisions in the areas of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing. This course analyzes the importance and influence of advertising in the changing marketplace; provides students with an integrated approach for analyzing marketing communication opportunities; develops the capability for designing, implementing, and evaluating advertising campaigns; and promotes an understanding of the different methods of measuring advertising effectiveness. (Prerequisite: MKTG 5400)

This course may be open to visiting students. In addition to meeting the prerequisites (MKTG 5400 or equivalent), visiting students need to obtain approval from the Marketing Chair and should email Dr. Camelia Micu at 

Category Management and Shopper Insights
MKTG 6560 (01) (CRN 12477)
3 credits
Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024
Asynchronous Online
Professor: Andrew Blum

In this course, students will learn how retailers and manufacturers engage in a collaborative process to manage a product category at retail for the purpose of optimizing shopper satisfaction to increase revenues and profits. The course imparts students with hands-on training on how to analyze retail POS (Point of Sales) data (syndicated scanner data). An emphasis will be given to data interpretation and implication on strategic and tactical decision making related to product assortment, shelf set, promotion, and pricing decisions for the purpose of generating store traffic, improving shopper loyalty, and ultimately increasing revenues and profitability. Students will learn how to leverage insights through a combination of case studies, workshops and by creating compelling, fact-based presentations. (Prerequisites: MKTG 5400, MKTG 6520)

This course may be open to visiting students. In addition to meeting the prerequisites (MKTG 5400, MKTG 6520 or equivalent), visiting students need to obtain approval from the Marketing Chair and should email Dr. Camelia Micu at 

Multivariate Analysis for Consumer Insights
MKTG 6580 (01) (CRN 12472)
3 credits
Thursday, December 21, 2023 to Monday, January 15, 2024
Asynchronous Online
Professors: Rajasree Krishnankutty NairRajamma, Mark Ligas, Camelia Micu, Iman Naderi, Michael Sciandra

With unprecedented growth in data availability, companies are increasingly focusing on data driven decision making in marketing. As most of this data is multivariate, an understanding of statistical techniques used to analyze it gains paramount importance. 

The objective of this course is to develop skills with a range of procedures for multivariate data analysis involving dimension reduction, pattern recognition, classification, and prediction. Students will engage in experiential exercises that require utilizing statistical software to organize and analyze data, interpreting the results, and presenting actionable conclusions for decision making.

This course may be open to visiting students. In addition to meeting the prerequisites (MKTG 5400, MKTG 6520 or equivalent), visiting students need to obtain approval from the Marketing Chair and should email Dr. Camelia Micu at 


State and Local Taxation

TAXN 6540 (OL1) (CRN 12346)

3 credits

Tuesday, January 2, 2014 to Saturday, January 13, 2024

Synchronous and Asynchronous ONLINE sessions

Synchronous sessions meet Tues. 1/2, Wed. 1/3, Thurs, 1/4, Fri., 1/5, Sat. 1/6, Tues., 1/9, Wed., 1/10 and Fri., 1/12 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Also, Sat., 1/13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Professor: Milo Peck

This course helps students develop a conceptual understanding of the constitutional limits on a state's power to impose taxes, the determination of state-specific taxable income, the sales and use tax system, and various other state taxes. After the course, students should be able to identify the tax issues associated with the conduct of business in multiple states, as well as plan for the consequences of, and make recommendations for alternative structuring of, intended multi-state transactions and activities.

This course is open to visiting students who have an accounting undergraduate degree and with the permission of the graduate program director. Please email Sandy Richardson in the Office of the Provost at and provide a copy of your transcript for review.