On May 17-19, 2019, the Class of 1969 celebrated their 50th Reunion with 51 classmates returning home to campus for a weekend of Stag Pride! We can't wait to see you back on campus soon. View photos and video from your weekend below.

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50th Reunion Fairfield Journeys

It's not too late to consider writing a short narrative of your “journey” since graduation. These will live here on your Class's personal webpage for you to continue to reflect upon. Even if you did not attend your Reunion, we encourage you to submit an entry. Previous 50th Reunion classes have found these memories to be inspiring, and have appreciated the chance to reconnect with classmates and hear about their lives after graduation.

Your story can highlight a wide range of things – from your professional career to your family, hobbies and personal life. You may submit your entry in the following ways:

(Be sure to include the following: Your "Post-Grad" Journey, Your Favorite Fairfield Memory, and any Legacy Family Ties you have to Fairfield)

Shared Stories

My Post-Grad Journey

Following graduation, with my Psychology degree and all I learned from two mentors at Fairfield (Dr. Ron Salafia and Dr. Alex Tolor), my wife (Linda) and I headed to the University of Delaware to begin my doctoral studies in psychology. My strong research background (especially my work as a research assistant to Alex) served me well. I completed the requirements (including my clinical psychology internship at the Devereux Foundation) in 4 years. In 1973, we moved to New York for my position as Assistant Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York - Plattsburgh. The combination of research and clinical training allowed me to go beyond teaching throughout my 45 years at Plattsburgh. I published over 100 professional articles and 16 books, and received the State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship in 2006. I retired as Professor Emeritus of Psychology in 2018. Linda and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in September, 2018, with our two sons and their families (including 3 grandchildren). We enjoy living in a small, college town on Lake Champlain, close to Canada and Vermont. And, I am still writing and nearing completion of an updated version of an Amazon e-book for parents of children with disabilities.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?

My fondest memory was Senior Week because I got to share my final Fairfield experiences with my parents and wife. Most importantly, it was my chance to show my gratitude for their love and support.

My Post-Grad Journey:
Shortly after graduation, I began a two year commitment as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Turkey and Ghana. I taught English as a Second Language in both countries--at the high school level in Turkey and the teacher college level in Ghana. This experience exposed me to new cultures, languages, religions, politics, and poverty. I credit the Peace Corps with broadening my perspective about so many things--how I wanted to live my life, what I valued, how I viewed the world--ideas I started thinking about at Fairfield. It also confirmed my interest in education as a career when I returned to the United States, and fueled a lifelong passion for world travel.

I began my career in Camden, NJ, in 1971 first as a teacher, then counselor, and finally federal program administrator. In 1976 I joined the New Jersey State Department of Education where I spent the bulk of my career--33 years--in a number of key positions. During that time I worked for six Governors on a variety of education initiatives, and was the director of a number of offices that focused on curricular issues, urban education, and secondary education. I ended my career at the department as an assistant commissioner for the Division of Educational Standards and Programs. In this position, I was responsible for the development and implementation of the Common Core Standards, the statewide assessment system, a new high school transformation initiative, teacher and administrator licensing, and career and technical education.

In 2009 I retired from the state and went to the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association where I became the CEO of the Foundation for Educational Administration. Here was an opportunity to support the state's school and district leaders and to assist putting policy into practice based on many years of state experience. I retired after nine years in July 2018.

As an educator, I strongly believe in lifelong learning and to that end I earned a master's degree in 1974 in counseling psychology from the College of New Jersey, and a doctoral degree in educational administration from Rutgers University in 2004.

I have a lot of interests, but two areas predominate. During the 1980s and 1990s I sang regularly with the Trenton Civic Opera and the Princeton Opera, two local theater groups. I performed over 25 leading roles and the experience taught me much about how to work with others and how to perform in any situation. Since the 1980s, I have also spent a great deal of time traveling. I have taken two around the world trips covering 18 countries, and travel regularly each year visiting incredible places on nearly all of the continents. All of these adventures have been with my partner and best friend. We met in mid-life, are married, and live in Doylestown, PA.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
My time as editor-in-chief of The Stag, the student newspaper, provides a lot of memories. The end of the sixties was a tumultuous time in the United States and all of the critical events impacted our campus. In addition to our interest in the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and other national issues, Fairfield was also grappling with coeducation, an ambitious building program, and student rights. My best times were sitting with the Editorial Board discussing our reaction to these events and reaching consensus on a position. This often occurred at the Howard Johnson's restaurant in Fairfield on all-you-can-eat fried chicken night. The ability to think critically, to argue a position, and to write clearly were skills I learned at Fairfield and used my entire life.

My Post-Grad Journey:
After graduating with a degree in History I entered military service (the Army) for three years. One year in USA training in the Signal Corps and then two years in Bangkok, Thailand. After military service, graduate business education and certification- MBA, MS Taxation, CPA. I worked a dozen years for a national CPA firm and then thirty years as Director of Taxation for a diversified multinational manufacturing corporation, retiring January 2015 at 67. My wife and I (married 48 years) live in Simsbury, CT. My interests include hiking, fly-fishing, participating in our church (Parish Council, Finance Council, etc.), reading, studying the Italian language and cooking Italian food, and socializing with our family and with our friends. My wife and I travel domestically and internationally extensively. We have two married children, living in Manhattan and the Boston area, and three grandchildren.

There are a number of themes that encapsulate my memories of how my experiences and learning at Fairfield shaped my life since graduation. Using those themes, I will try to talk about my life.

Lifetime Learning
When we graduated, I was thinking about graduate school or law. The Viet Nam conflict, and my desire to start a life with Bethany, sent me in another direction. After a few weeks at Southern Connecticut State, I became a fifth grade teacher in rural Upstate New York, Copenhagen Central School. I soon moved up to be the junior high English Department (a department of one). I had to figure out curriculum, internal policy, a different life style, and really cold, long winters. I took graduate courses at SUNY Oswego and St. Lawrence University. I also learned, in no particular order, how to be a JV wrestling coach, director of student plays, scoutmaster, president of the faculty union, and chair of my parish fund raiser. After four years, I realized that all in all teaching was not my future, it was either teach or seek a new career in administration. I applied to and was accepted at Fordham University School of Law. This was a move to NYC and a realization after one year that I needed to earn money while going to Fordham full time. Beth was doing her best as a teacher in a Catholic school in East Harlem. I saw a flyer that Shearson Hayden Stone’s legal department was looking for a law student to work on some mysterious area called Rule 144 sales. General Counsel Phil Hoblin- a 3 F man (Fordham Prep, College, Law) was willing to take a chance on a semi-2 F man (Fairfield and Fordham.)

I was soon learning about securities regulation, litigation, corporate governance, brokerage operations, even how to send internal wires- Figs-H-Ltr. I learned how to be second chair in arbitration, write an answer, and lug the boxes of documents to a hearing.

From Shearson to EF Hutton, the New York Stock Exchange, a start up broker as its general counsel, LF Rothschild, and finally Pershing Division of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette. I learned more regulation, handling litigation, negotiating skills. At Pershing, I continued to learn as a manager, senior officer, member of risk management groups, speaker at seminars, and international law as we expanded to London and Japan.

I was asked to serve on Fairfield’s Board of Trustees by Father Al Kelly, SJ and that was a great learning experience as well. The internal workings of a great university and the opportunity to learn from highly accomplished fellow alumni-trustees and Jesuit members of the board was and is a highlight of my life.

Today, I continue to learn as an expert witness and consultant. In my current service on my Town’s Planning Board, I continue to learn about land use law and public feelings about this highly charged area.

What we all learned at Fairfield —deep dive learning, reflection, and the connectedness of everything one learns— served me well and made that possible.

Strong Sense of Morals and Ethics
Learning to do and stand for what is right is a life time project. For me, it started with parents who demonstrated high standards and demanded it of the children, was inculcated at St John Nepomucene in Bridgeport, continued with the fathers at Notre Dame High, and was rigorously taught at Fairfield. Obviously, in the financial services industry there are many opportunities to consider and decide what is the right course. I am proud to report that on retirement I was cited for being a steady hand for right as Pershing’s General Counsel.

Clear Thinking and Clear Writing
One thing stands clear from our days at Fairfield, we were made clear thinkers and clear writers. It may have been Walter Petry asking over and over what exactly did Jefferson say or on Joe Grassi asking to explain Plato, or parsing a poem in a literature class, or writing a paper in Music Appreciation, but it was always there. These habits of clear thinking, articulation, and clear writing continue and form a basis of success. I think of smart associates at Pershing asking me to edit their annual self-assessment, of drafting and redrafting answers in litigation and business reports, and being the go-to person whenever clear writing is needed.

Habits of leadership by having articulated goals, expressing them well, and self assurance were all part of the experience at Fairfield. For me, it was participation in Student Government and membership in Phi Kappa Theta, Fairfield’s experiment with fraternities. Whatever leadership means, it began at Fairfield and continued as President of a teachers’ union, corporate general counsel and senior officer, chair of securities industry committees, trustee, planning board chair and Grand Knight in my local K of C.

Steve was a proud alumni of Fairfield University and was looking forward to receiving the information and material on the 50th Year Reunion. He was saddened that he was not able to be present at the reunion due to his health issues. Steve was always grateful for his years at Fairfield University and felt that he had been very well prepared for his 30 year teaching career. He also enjoyed his time as a Stag and among his memories of the 'U" were living at the beach as an upper classman and the time he spent with a group of friends who had a student band - The Bleach Boys - a take-off on the Beach Boys.

Following graduation, Steve taught English and was a Guidance Counselor at Ludlow HS & Fairfield High. For several years he also coached the swim team and girls’ softball team. As a long-time member of First Church Congregational, Fairfield he was very active as a Deacon and Confirmation Mentor and touched the lives of many young people. Following his retirement, he relocated to the West Palm Beach Florida area where he passed away on February 12, 2019. Steve is survived by a son and daughter and four grandchildren.

My Post-Grad Journey:
After leaving Fairfield in June I went to San Antonio in August for Officer Training School at Lackland AFB. After three months at Lackland I was assigned to Vance AFB in Enid, Oklahoma for pilot training and I graduated a year later. I was then trained to be an instructor and spent most of the next four years back at Vance teaching newly minted officers how to fly. In June 1974 I left the Air Force and moved to Boston and attended Suffolk University Law School at night. I became a member of the NJ Bar in June 1979. I then joined Associated Aviation Underwriters subsequently known as Global Aerospace as a Claims Attorney and became the department head in 1994. From the time I began my insurance career until I retired in 2012 we were directly or indirectly involved in the litigation and resolution of most major airline accidents both domestic and international including the World Trade Center attack. My wife Cathy and I have been married for thirty-eight years and we had three children together and two more from my prior marriage. All five are married and we have six grandchildren and are expecting three more during 2019. We do a lot of day care and have great fun doing it. We have been fortunate to have traveled around the world on business and otherwise and are looking forward to additional trips.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
At Fairfield I enjoyed living at the beach senior year, going to basketball games and being with the great people who were my classmates. My favorite courses were Robert Emerich’s Drama and Shakespeare, Dr. Joan Walters’ banking courses and Dr. Edward Dew’s South and Central America political science. Although at the time I didn’t appreciate why we had to take so many required credits in Theology and Philosophy I eventually came to see the benefits of disciplined thinking. I am thankful for the values I learned from my parents and reinforced and refined by the Jesuits; during my career those values helped me to maintain an attitude of empathy and resolution rather than mindless confrontation and endless battle.

When I graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor’s Degree in History, I was commissioned the same day in the U.S. Air Force. I next attended Georgetown University Law Center. I graduated from there in 1972 and waited to be called to active Air Force duty. In June 1973 I was called to active duty and assigned to Chanute Air Force Base in Rantoul, Illinois. Serving four years of active duty, I entered the Air Force Reserves and retired in 1998 with 28 years of service. I retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

I then worked in Illinois in private practice for a while, then in the Illinois Government from 1978 until 2003. I was the Senate Legislative Liaison for Governor James R. Thompson for one year. Then, I was General Counsel to the elected Secretary of State James Edgar from 1981 to 2000. When Mr. Edgar was elected Governor in 2000, I was appointed the Director and General Counsel for the Illinois Development Finance Authority, a state economic development agency. After a four-year term there, I became the Chief Administrative Judge for the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation. After four years in that position, I was appointed the Chairman of the Illinois Department of Revenue’s Board of Tax Appeals.

In 2003 I retired from the State of Illinois and went to Washington D.C. to work for the Department of Defense as an Administrative Law Judge. I conducted hearings all across America. In 2017 I retired from that position.

Now I pursue my hobbies and other interests, such as reading history, building and operating model railroads, participating in various model railroad clubs, and political organizations. I am President of the Lionel Operating Train Society, an international model railroad club.

My wife Kirsten and I live in Grayslake, Illinois, north of Chicago. We have two adult daughters, Sarah and Susan. Sarah graduated from Fairfield in 2007. She works in Washington D.C. with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. She recently had our first grandchild, a daughter. Susan, who graduated from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut in 2011, teaches Latin and Greek at private academy in Elgin, Illinois.

My Post-Grad Journey:
I am married and live in Hillsborough, CA. My son, Geoff, lives in Greenwich CT with his family. Upon graduation, I received an MBA in finance from NYU and completed my six year obligation with the US Army Reserve in Manhattan. I spent my 35 year career in high tech finance either as an equity analyst or investment banker. As an analyst, I was a. nine time member of the Institutional Investor All American Research Team. As a banker, I executed numerous equity deals principally for Silicon Valley based companies. During these periods I worked for Citibank, Hambrecht &Quist, Morgan Stanley and UBS Paine Webber. In retirement I play golf, hike, cycle and swim. I subscribe and volunteer for the San Francisco Symphony and Smuin Ballet, and frequent cinema and opera. I also travel extensively in the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific. Next trip is to the Balkan States and Russia followed by Egypt.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
I have many memories including the comradery with my classmates, exciting basketball games and the excellent education. My favorite professors include Father Costello, Paul Davis and James Shields.

My Post-Grad Journey:
I returned to live in Columbus. Went to OSU law school for 3 weeks. Quit and went to work at a bank and then attended night law school while working. Sworn in and 2 years later I started a law firm with an acquaintance. We worked together for 38 years and then retired. I am a widower with three kids and 6 grandchildren. I live in Columbus and still follow the Buckeyes.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
None stand out. Most pretty good.

My Post-Grad Journey:
After Fairfield, I continued my college summers job (bartender to the rich & famous in The Hamptons) until drafted in 12/69. Two years in Army as broadcast specialist (like "Good Morning, Vietnam") in Kansas and Korea. Got MA in Communication (in propaganda) from Fairfield in '75, worked for Long Island Rail Road until 1997 as PR person, chief bartender and operations planner. I have owned railroad infrastructure/schedule consulting firm since 1996 with US and worldwide clients.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
My extracurriculars: four years of "total theatre" with "Bob" Emerich at The Playhouse; four years doing nearly everything at WVOF and the nightly adventure in identifying food in the CC cafeteria.

My Post-Grad Journey:
After graduating from Fordham law school, I was an Assistant District Attorney for 14 years in the Bronx DA's office. Then I was appointed as a judge of the Criminal Court of NYC. Five years later I was elevated to NYS Supreme Court. I retired from full time service after 31 years on the bench but continue to serve part time as a Judicial hearing officer. I have been married to my wife Caryn for 30 years and we have a daughter, Alycia.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
My favorite memories are the times I spent with my roommate Ed Maher both on and off campus, going to basketball games and my time as Executive Chainman of the Student Government.

My Post-Grad Journey:
Highlights: 1970-1972: Tulane University: M.A. Classical Languages. 1976-1979: Peace Corps Volunteer, Korea. 1981-1990: Inha University, Inchon, Korea: Associate Professor of English Language Education. 1990-2012: U.S. Department of State: Foreign Service Officer (Mexico, Korea, Swaziland, Laos, Ethiopia, Kuwait, Romania). Married, two children.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
When I was a junior, I was an actor in three different dramas in three different languages at almost the same time.

My Post-Grad Journey:
After graduation and a summer spent working in New York City it was off to basic training in September of 1969. I headed out to Missouri along with seven of my classmates from Fairfield including my roommate of four years, Tom Quackenbush. After being discharged from the Army, I starting working for a small bank on Long Island and New York. I married in 1972 and shortly thereafter moved to Westchester where we still reside in Rye. We raised three children there, two of whom continue to live nearby. After earning an MBA from Pace University, I went on to a career of thirty-nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in Bank Supervision. This was a job that I looked forward to every day and which afforded me the opportunity to work in an ever-changing financial landscape. I retired from the bank at 69, although my wife, Emily continues to teach middle school math at a Catholic independent girls’ school. We continue to enjoy our family, our two grandchildren, and visiting our son in San Diego as often as we can. Writing this, I see post-graduation memories continuing to be made.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
My favorite memory is really a four-year stream of memories from wondering the first day on campus who my roommate would be, and then rooming together for the next four years, to remembering graduation day and wondering what was next. In between there was switching majors from Classics to Marketing and still managing to graduate on time. The presence of Jesuits in the classrooms and the dorms, basketball on campus and the opening of the student center and library stand out. I went on to making lifelong friends during my four years while a lasting memory of course, was meeting my wife, of 47 years, who had come from Marymount College to an off campus party in the fall of 1968.

My Post-Grad Journey:
Since leaving Fairfield with a degree in Education / History, I worked at Brian McMahon H.S. in Norwalk and discovered that my wife to be was waiting for me, not in New Rochelle, but in New Haven. Karen and I were married and moved to Bridgeport and then to Fairfield were we taught in that system. Life drew us to a family of 4 children and teaching in Singapore. I earned an EdD degree and then became a superintendent of schools and I am still working as a retired, part time superintendent in Hampton, CT.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
Besides all of the friends and professors I had, I carry with me two vivid memories. The first was the campus in spring were I could see all the way to Long Island. The second was Walter Petry. He made me into a "real" student because he challenged me to read and then think about what I read. Oh ya, Fr. McGinnis came to my parent's home and had dinner in our very small Cape Cod house. I loved it, my parents were soooo scared. But all turned out well as did my life living with Karen and our children.

My Post-Grad Journey:
Furthered my education in Pharmacy. I’ve graduated from UConn Pharmacy School in1974. I’ve been married to Pat Trivett for 48 going on 49 years. We have a daughter, who is a teacher of the deaf in New Jersey. She graduated from The College of New Jersey with her BS degree in psychology and a Master’s in Education and Deaf Ed. We have kept in touch with most of our friends from Fairfield University all these years. Looking forward to seeing them.

My Post-Grad Journey:
Served in US Navy 1970-1972 stationed Newport Naval Hospital. Went onto 43- year career in hospital financial operations. Obtained MBA University of Bridgeport and MPH Yale U. Adjunct Professor from 1980- 2015 Quinnipiac University MBA program, 1990-1997 U of New Haven MPH program. Lecturer at Fairfield and Yale Graduate Nursing Programs. Jogged a mile in all 50 states, ran 5 marathons 60 pounds ago, [NY -3 DC -1 LA-1], my wife of 22 years, Kathy and I have traveled to 46 countries. We have 4 children, 3 grandchildren. Retired and residing in Westbrook CT, and enjoy the theater, travel, and the simple things. Actually appeared on stage in Broadway performance of Spamalot and received an award. Fortunate enough to have seen four Red Sox World Series victories. And in a bizarre series of events, have come to know and been frequently in the company of John Henry, the Red Sox owner, having first met him in Paris. Highlight was joining John las year for a game in his box seats next to Red Sox dugout. Served on board, chaired the board, and still volunteer with Columbus House, the largest homeless/supportive housing Connecticut not-for-profit. Life is Good!!!

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
I grew up in Wallingford, CT and followed my high school basketball team and thought I knew school spirit. Enrolled in Fairfield, not nothing a thing about the Stags emerging basketball program. First game my freshmen year was at the old New Haven Arena against the then pre-season ranked #1 team in the country, St Joseph's. I will always remember when the Stags came onto the floor for pre-game warm ups. Toilet paper flying everywhere, the full house of thousands screaming and chanting Fairfield at the top of their lungs. I was just blow away. Then 6 Stags dunked the ball in a row during warm ups. Besides everything I had loved about my first three months at Fairfield, that moment was one of such pride, awe, shock, and bewilderment. I thought I knew school spirit, but what I was experiencing was beyond comprehension.

My Post-Grad Journey:
After graduating, I spent six months at Army Reserve basic training at Fort Polk, then explored a variety of opportunities, including an MBA program and positions in a technology company and with the Bureau of Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs (now the DEA.) The latter ended before it began when I was in a car accident and couldn’t pass the physical. During the seven months I spent recovering in the hospital, I decided to go to graduate school for social work. I spent the next 43 years working in nonprofit agencies focusing on child welfare, juvenile justice, and legislative advocacy in New York State. Since St. Patrick’s Day 2016, I’ve enjoyed retirement with my wife, Casey, traveling the world, riding my bike, volunteering, and spending time with our 10 grandchildren.

What is your favorite Fairfield University memory?
Besides the fun at Ship Ahoy and parties on Beach Road, what I remember most is learning to appreciate the value of lifelong learning. Entering Fairfield, I believed the benefit of education was securing a job and pursuing a career. Over the next four years, I came to appreciate the value of continually learning new things, seeing other perspectives, and understanding there is always something more to explore. One specific event was the tipping point. In my junior year, Dr. Rossi, the biology professor who was facilitating special seminar, talked about what he did to stay current in his field, keep learning, and remain informed about world events. Every day he got up at 5 am, he told us, read newspapers, journals, and a variety of books. I was amazed; he was already successful, had a good job, yet he did this and enjoyed it! Looking back today, my reaction seems funny, but since then, I have valued ongoing learning, and this has enriched my life for the past 50 years. The only regret I have is that I never said, “Thank you, Dr. Rossi.”


Contact information for the following members of the Class of 1969 is missing from our database. If you know where your classmates are and/or how to get in touch, please e-mail alumni@fairfield.edu.

  • Aylward Powers
  • Thomas Samenfink

    As of February, 2022

Here is a look at where your classmates have relocated to after graduation.

Eugene Donaldson

Kenneth Kammerer
J. Novotny
Joseph Ricci

Ronald Beattie
Emile Canning
Herbert Casey
Christopher Coffey
John Conroy
Richard Cosgriff
Donald Kovacs
John Lazlo
Brian Malone
Richard Matt
Bernard McGrane
R. Schauble

Joseph Poisson

A. Benashski
James Bolger
Nelson Bondhus
Robert Broderick
William Brower
David Bukowski
Michael Callahan
Lawrence Cannon
William Clark
James Crispino
William Cronin
Michael Cummings
Nicholas Dainiak
Bernard Denoyer
Anthony DePaolis
Harold Devanney
Joseph Dias
Charles DiCenso
Robert Duguay
Michael Duke
E. Edwards
James Ellsworth
Howard Emond
Robert Evenski
Brian Fitzgerald
Charles Framularo
John Gagnon
Paul Glinski
Gary Gombar
Donald Gortner
William Granata
James Healy
Peter Hearn
George Holmes
James Izzo
Thomas Jagodzinski
Philip Keane
Allan Kensel
Stephen Kobasa
Edward Kristie
Robert Laska
James McAuley
John McCann
John McConachie
John Mezzanotte
Brian Mitchell
Joseph Muldoon
John Norko
William O'Brien
Craig O'Connell
Frank Olah
Mark Osowski
Richard Otto
Joseph Pajor
Paul Palanzo
Robert Perrotta
Leonard Petrucelli
David Pytlik
James Robinson
Ronald Ryan
Richard Santorelli
Thomas Sebastian
Gregory Sheehan
Brian Sullivan
William Sweeney
Robert Wels
Edgar Yergeau
Luciano Zaffina
Bernard Zailskas
Thomas Zingarelli

Douglas Asper
Michael Bembenek
Robert Brown
Kenneth Commette
Dominic Cusimano
James Davis
Edward DeMaio
Paul Donovan
Timothy Dowdell
Charles Greif
John Kirby
James Knight
Zachary Koczanski
Laurence Maverick
John Praskac
William Preissel
Paul Sandshaw
Charles Shaw
H. Jack Winters

Daniel Boylan
Thomas Brown
William Collins
M. Daniels
James Dennis
Thomas Keegan
Joseph Nolan

Peter Flattery
Philip Howe
Edward Maher
James Regan
Mark Sinibaldi

John Metz

Robert Frarracio
James Smith

Terry Albertine
Robert Bisceglia
Richard Brewer
John Carberry
James Critchley
Kevin Doherty
David Ecsedy
Richard Elliott
William Johnson
Robert Kane
Kenneth Kurimsky
Martin McGowan
Joseph McGrath
Michael Morrissey
Thomas Moylan
Bernard Price
Robert Ruddock
Alfred Starzyk
Philip Tomlinson
Nello Trevisan
Robert Zols

Richard King
Patrick LoBrutto
William Sheahan

Mark Feeley
David Hardt
John Mara
Timothy Roach

North Carolina
Joseph Bednar
John Gadarowski
Thomas Gavigan
James Gullshan
Michael Hermida
Michael Lynch
William Sulik

New Hampshire
Charles Babiarz
William Brennan
Paul Brock
Robert Cricco
Anthony Hartigan
Robert Maney
Thomas Meehan
Dale Swanson
Thomas Walters

New Jersey
Marc Baldwin
Gary Basralian
Warren Chase
Thomas Crowley
Mark DelMauro
Michael DiMeglio
William Dodwell
Raymond Egatz
Thomas Franko
Robert Goodman
Thomas Greeley
Kevin Hilliard
Michael Janson
Zoltan Komjathy
John Langan
Richard Lewis
Thomas Lewis
James Magenheimer
Richard Makse
Gerald Salomone
Thomas Sweeney

New Mexico
Jeffrey Shepherd
William Sheridan

Albert Lindahl
Brian Moran

New York
Albert Abed
Richard Baldwin
Gary Brannigan
Gregory Buoncontri
Lawrence Byrne
Peter Charette
Jeffrey Close
Thomas Conlin
Joseph DeCresce
Robert Dehler
Dennis Denihan
John Filippone
Edward Frey
Robert Giusti
William Gulick
Jarlath Hamrock
Peter Harte
Craig Jones
Joseph Keily
Robert Kohler
Richard Landry
George Lawrence
Paul Lisi
Kevin Lonergan
Robert Ludwig
Patrick McCormack
Robert McDonald
John Mikochik
John Moore
Hugh Morgan
Joseph Palange
William Perrotti
John Petroccione
Joseph Piczko
Thomas Quackenbush
Joseph Russo
Kevin Walsh
Thomas Warga
Thomas Willmott
John Wohlers

Richard Dwyer
Albert Fisher
James Mangnusson

Theodore Drab

Edward Doolan
Joseph Macary
John Marcinko
Joseph Moran
Peter Olson
Frank Stavish

Puerto Rico
Carlos Del Valle Biascoechea
Marcelino Goenaga
Rafael Martinez

Rhode Island
Thomas Ross

South Carolina
Theodore Coia
John Koach
Frederick Noonan
George Paleta
John Zielinski

Geoffrey Patrissi

Michael Darr
James Hock
John Hurley
Thomas Kopf
Daniel Tartaglia
William Thompson
Michael Walker
George Wrobel

Thomas Boudreau
Peter Burke
Thomas Colucci
Sante Esposito
F. Gaeta
Thomas Josefiak
John Milewski
William O'Malley
Thomas Palinkas
Joseph Shields
George Train

William Johnson

Russel Panczenko

Richard Wilson

No Home Address
Bernard Beirne
Gene Boccialetti
Luis Canepa
Harold Desanty
Dennis Doyle
Richard Fuoco
Vincent Gilligan
Matthew Huber
Frederick Jurgen
Joseph Kubik
William Lyttle
Robert MacDonald
James McGovern
Dennis O'Neil
Aylward Powers
Ronald Rampolla
Thomas Samenfink
Gregory Seaman
John Sullivan
Farouk Younes

Last updated March, 2022

We continue to remember in a special way the members of our class who have gone before us. Eternal rest grant to them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May these and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

  • George Adzima
  • Charles Angelo
  • James Barrett
  • Paul Basirico
  • Gerald Blouin
  • Louis Campbell
  • Stephen Carre
  • Thomas Celello
  • Francis Closter
  • Michael Collins
  • William Connolly
  • Richard Cunningham
  • Robert Cunningham
  • James Cunningham
  • John Curtin
  • Enrico D'Amore
  • Anthony Daur
  • William Dolan
  • William Donovan
  • Charles Fairfax
  • Donald Fields
  • James Flanagan
  • Michael Gartland
  • Thomas Gleason
  • Stephen Hackett
  • Fred Heissenbuttel
  • Antonio Hernandez
  • John Hudson
  • Michael Jacobs
  • Bruce Jeannont
  • Ronald Kozak
  • John Lebedevitch
  • William Lucas
  • William Luddy
  • James Lysaght
  • Michael Maloney
  • Nicholas Martinelli
  • Martin McPike
  • Paul Mikan
  • Kevin Mineo
  • Andrew Mollo
  • Francis Moore
  • Peter Murtagh
  • Mark Patten
  • Joseph Preg
  • Laurence Prud'homme
  • Willis Reinke
  • James Reme
  • Bruce Rosenzweig
  • Gerald Sabo
  • Arthur Sardaro
  • James St. Clair
  • Robert Stuart
  • Daniel Turner
  • Edward Williams
  • David Zola
  • Jack Zorski

Last updated February, 2022

Year in Review

President of the United States

Richard Nixon

United States Population

202.7 million

Price of a Gallon of Gas


Average Income


World Series Champion

New York Mets

Super Bowl Champion

New York Jets

NCAA Basketball Champions

UCLA Bruins

Best Picture Academy Award


Song of the Year

"Games People Play" 

Frequently Asked Questions

Photos are available to view and/or download via the Class of 1969 50th Reunion album on our Fairfield Alumni Flickr page.

You can also view a video recap of your weekend on our Vimeo page!

Yes! Yearbooks and various other archives are available for viewing online. View our online University Archives & Special Collections through the DiMenna-Nyselius Library.

Once graduates of Fairfield University celebrate their milestone 50th Reunion, they become members of the prestigious group known as Golden Stags. This group is the cornerstone of our alumni family and we are proud to recognize and celebrate their importance to the Fairfield community. Currently, the Golden Stags are made up of alumni from the classes of 1951 through 1972.

For more information about our "Golden Stags," please visit: fairfield.edu/goldenstags.

Feel free to contact us at any time!

The Office of Alumni Relations: (203) 254-4280
Email: alumni@fairfield.edu
Fax: (203) 254-4104
Website: www.fairfield.edu/goldenstags