
Looking for a job? Have a job to fill? New jobs are posted every week on Stags4Hire! To facilitate alumni professional connections, Fairfield has partnered with Experience Alumni, a premier career management tool used by more than 500 colleges and universities.
Stags4Hire is Fairfield University's primary job and internship posting resource.

Are you seeking a new job?

Stags4Hire Alumni is available to alumni for job search. To begin using Stags4Hire Alumni today, or to log in to your existing profile, please visit to:

  • Create a profile
  • Search exclusive jobs posted by fellow alumni and other employers and apply
  • Get timely industry content and career-focused guidance
  • Package and present your personal brand to employers
  • Sign up for complimentary opt-in newsletters and talent insight blogs

Are you an alumna/us that has a job or internship opening to post for students or alumni?
Through Stags4Hire Alumni you can:

  • Create job profiles and establish the criteria for the position you wish to fill
  • Post your open positions for students and entry level or experienced alumni
  • Review candidates' responses to your job opening and read their profiles made available for review
  • Select the profiles and resumes you wish to pursue until you find the right candidate for the job
  • 24/7 access and free job posts

Visit Stags4Hire

For questions regarding registering, using, and/or posting a job to Stags4Hire, please call the Career Center at 203-254-4081.



The Career Center offers an effective online resource to help students and alumni prepare for employment interviews. InterviewPrep allows you to practice your interview skills by going through a realistic interview experience answering challenging questions based on the type of interview you select.

The software records you as you respond to the questions and then loads your mock interview into your own personal InterviewPrep account. You can then review it and send it to someone else to review. Start practicing today by creating an account.



Career Intelligence

C‌areer Intelligence, founded by Annette Richmond, M.A.’99,  is a by-women, for-women career resource with a philosophy of "Stretch, Grow, Achieve." Her mission is to help you achieve personal and professional satisfaction by providing the information, support and tools you need to succeed in today's competitive economic environment.



Job Search Engine Sites

Indeed company logo is a search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find opportunities posted on thousands of company career sites and job boards. Unlike many job boards, Indeed provides job seekers with an aggregated list of the freshest job opportunities available - free to all users.

Simply Hired logo

Simply Hired

‌Simply Hired is a vertical search engine company working to build the largest online database of jobs on the planet. Their goal is to make finding your next job a simple yet effective, enjoyable journey. They can't always promise you'll discover your dream job, but they'll give you the best chance possible to get a bigger paycheck, a more considerate boss, or a shorter commute.

Visit Simply HIred
Glassdoor logo


‌Glassdoor is the world's most transparent career community that is changing the way people find jobs, and companies recruit top talent.
Glassdoor holds a growing database of 6 million company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview review sand questions, office photos and more. Unlike other jobs sites, all of this information is entirely shared by those who know a company best — the employees.

Visit Glassdoor
Jibber Jobber logo


‌JibberJobber: For professionals and executives, the job search can be a grueling process. JibberJobber allows you to keep track of the information you collect during a job search. Track the companies that you apply to (Target Companies). Track each job that you apply for, and log the status of each application (date of first interview, date thank you letter sent, etc.). Want to know where you sent your different resumes? Use JibberJobber to keep track of it!

Login to JibberJobber
LinkedIn logo


LinkedIn Jobs: You can search for jobs on LinkedIn! Relevant jobs postings will be delivered directly to you. You can access through the jobs tab on your LinkedIn profile. You can even customize your preferences of the jobs you might be interested in.

Visit LinkedIn