Test Announcement 123



The Italian Renaissance was an extraordinary time, when Florence was imagined as a New Athens combining Classical ideas and forms within a Christian context. Among the profound and prodigious developments in sculpture, Andrea della Robbia’s Annunciation is exquisite for its delicate and gentle forms. Equally, the Cantoria reliefs from the Duomo capture the expressive joy in music making—both in playing instruments and in singing. Ghiberti’s panel of the Story of Abraham, from the Gates of Paradise adorning the Baptistry, conveys narrative in a large field, with vegetation and rocky formations guiding the viewer’s eyes to each vignette. Perhaps most famous among these vignettes is the Sacrifice Isaac, the very moment when Abraham is about to plunge the knife into his son’s neck. At the very last moment he sees the reflection of an angel in Isaac’s eyes, thus he proved his faith and his son lived.

Lorenzo Ghiberti

(Italian, 1378-1455)
Abraham panel, 1425-52
Plaster cast from original gilt bronze door panel
East Door ("Gates of Paradise")
Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence
35 ½ x 35 ½ x 5 inches (90.8 x 90.8 x 12.7 cm) Gift from Yale University


Benedetto da Maiano (Italian, 1442-1497)

Madonna and Child
c. 1495
Plaster cast from original marble shrine of San Bartolo, Church of Saint Augustine, San Gimignano
46 x 46 x 5 1/2 inches (116.8 x 116.8 x 14 cm)
Gift of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009


Andrea della Robbia (Italian, 1435-1525 or 1528)

Annunciation (detail of Virgin Mary)
Plaster cast from original glazed terracotta in the Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence
43 1/2 x 46 x 10 inches (110.5 x 116.8 x 25.4 cm)
Gift of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009


Andrea della Robbia (Italian, 1435-1525 or 1528)

Annunciation (detail of Archangel Gabriel)
Plaster cast from original glazed terracotta in the Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence
42 x 43 x 10 inches (106.7 x 109.2 x 25.4 cm)
Gift of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009



Enameled terracotta relief by Andrea della Robbia, 1493

Sculpted by Andrea della Robbia during the Renaissance, the richly colored and enameled terracotta original of the Annunciation stands above the altar of the Church of Santa Maria degli Innocenti in the Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence, Italy. In its entirety, the relief depicts the archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary, as well as an image of God the Father, encompassed by a border of cherubs. The central portion is missing from the cast, but the figures of Gabriel and Mary are complete.

art_ren274In the left fragment, the graceful figure of the archangel Gabriel kneels on one knee with a hand extended toward the Virgin Mary. In his other hand he holds a cluster of lilies. The right fragment portrays Mary kneeling at a prie dieu reading a prayer book. The dove of the Holy Spirit hovers above the prie dieu. Mary seems to radiate a slight air of trepidation and disbelief. The missing portion of the relief would have depicted God the Father surrounded by celestial clouds and cherubs looking on with adoration as the Virgin Mary received the message that she is with child.

The artist was extremely articulate in his terracotta representations - much of his training came from his uncle, Luca della Robbia. The young Andrea followed closely in his uncle's footsteps, attempting to capture the charm and frankness of Luca's images of Mary. Andrea was also influenced by another of his contemporaries, Andrea del Verrochhio, whose paintings of the Madonna inspired Andrea to imbue his representations with a more realistic, dynamic modeling of the figures. By combining adaptations of various concepts of other artists with his own unique technical skill, Andrea della Robbia created religious works such as the Annunciation relief that gave visual confirmation to biblical narratives.


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