Student Spotlight: Fairfield Austin Student Gabby Kearney ‘24

Student Spotlight: Fairfield Austin Student Gabby Kearney ’24

Student Gabby Kearney ’24 assesses a patient during a pediatrics simulation.

Gabby Kearney ’24 assesses a patient during a pediatrics simulation.

Gabby Kearney discusses career motivations and her experiences at Fairfield University's Egan School in Austin, Texas. A member of the campus’s inaugural cohort, Gabby is in her third semester of the Accelerated Second Degree Nursing program.

What were your reasons for choosing Fairfield University in Austin?

I chose Fairfield because I wanted an in-person accelerated second degree program and the campus is very close to where I have been living. I have been in Austin for over four years now, and I love living here. It reminds me of my home in Oregon, but with more sunshine and less rain!

What would you tell students considering Fairfield Austin?

Fairfield in Austin is a great place to get your degree! I am always recommending the program to people who have an interest in nursing. The campus is centrally located, Austin is a great place to be, and the faculty and staff are incredible!

There are so many activities to do in Austin, and because the weather is great, there are plenty of places to study indoors or outdoors. I am so glad that I made the decision to continue my education at Fairfield. I wouldn’t change anything!

Why did you decide to major in nursing?

I have always wanted to work in the healthcare field. I was torn between physical therapy and nursing, but I decided on nursing because of the vast amount of opportunities that the nursing field has to offer. With nursing, if you get burnt out in one specialty, you can move to another or continue your education and become a nurse practitioner, professor, or CRNA, to name a couple options.

The opportunities with nursing are endless! You can find whatever works for you. Maybe that is working from home, travel nursing, bedside nursing, teaching, research, or anything in between. With that type of flexibility in my career, I know that I will always be able to find a job that works for my needs in life.

What are the best aspects of your education at Fairfield?

I love the faculty and staff at Fairfield so much! They are always willing to help and work with you. Also, the facilities are state of the art and were thoughtfully put together.

Do you have a favorite clinical experience?

I really enjoyed my pediatric clinicals! I got to be there when kids were waking up after being put under anesthesia, I got to help prepare an 11-month-old for a cardiac catheterization and watch the procedure, and I got to help take care of a 5-week-old that was born with a heart condition that requires a heart transplant. These experiences cemented my desire to be a pediatric nurse.

I was recently accepted into the Student Nurse Intern Apprenticeship program at Dell Children’s Medical Center. I am super excited for my last semester and getting to work at the children’s hospital!

Tags:  Egan School


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