Top 6 Reasons Now is a Good Time to Get Your MFA in Creative Writing

Woman standing at table speaking while people are seated listening.

1.  Stong Reputation

Fairfield has a strong reputation for producing top-notch MFA graduates who go on to have successful careers as writers. The University has a long-standing tradition of producing talented writers, and the MFA program is recognized as one of the best in the country.

2.  Experienced Faculty

The faculty in the MFA program at Fairfield University is made up of experienced writers who have published numerous works and are well-respected in their field. These skilled and active professionals will provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals as a writer.

3.  Diverse Student Body

Fairfield University's MFA program is made up of students from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, which provides a rich and diverse learning environment. Also, for over a decade, the MFA program has fostered a strong and passionate community of emerging writers with military backgrounds and has provided them with the necessary tools and insights to nurture their talent and share their stories with the world.

4.  Supportive Community

The MFA program at Fairfield University provides students with a supportive community that encourages collaboration, experimentation, and creativity. This supportive atmosphere will provide you with the confidence and inspiration you need to take your writing to the next level.

5.  Inspirational Location

Fairfield University's two-year low residency MFA in Creative Writing Program involves exciting, bi-annual 10-day residency periods at inspirational Enders Island, off the coast of Stonington, Connecticut. Each residency brings together a uniquely talented group of faculty, guest writers, students, editors, and agents. During the residency, faculty and students work, eat, learn, and have fun together. With 360-degree views of Fisher's Sound to inspire you, fellow students and faculty talk about and practice the basics and subtleties of writing and craft.

6.  Career Opportunities

Graduates of Fairfield University's MFA program have a wide range of career opportunities available to them, including writing, teaching, editing, and publishing. These opportunities will allow you to pursue your passion for writing and help you build a successful career in the field.

Now is a great time to pursue your MFA in Creative Writing from Fairfield University. With a strong reputation, experienced faculty, diverse student body, supportive community, and numerous career opportunities — as well as with the flexible, low-residency model — you'll be well-equipped to take your writing to the next level and achieve your goals!

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