Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola

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Our History

Established 1990: Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola at Fairfield University

Named in honor of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, and John J. and Marion P. Egan, parents of former University Trustee Bill Egan ’67, P’99, the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola is the spiritual heart of Fairfield University, designed to provide a space for students to explore and discover themselves and their vocations.

Egan Chapel opened during the worldwide Ignatian Year Celebration of 1990-91, in commemoration of two milestone events in Jesuit history: the 450th anniversary of the founding of the Society of Jesus in 1540, and the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Ignatius in 1491.

Bishop Edward Michael Egan of the Diocese of Bridgeport celebrated the chapel’s dedication Mass with 40 Jesuit priests on December 7, 1990. The ceremony included the ancient rituals of anointing the chapel walls with consecrated oil, blessing the congregation with holy water, and burning incense on the altar.

Purposefully located in the center of Fairfield’s campus to affirm the University’s commitment to its Jesuit and Catholic heritage, students participate actively in liturgical and music ministries at Egan Chapel’s daily and weekend Masses, which welcome congregants from both on-campus and off-campus communities.

The lower level of the 18,000-square-foot Egan Chapel building is home to the Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Campus Ministry Center. Retreats, community service projects, social justice programs, and interfaith programs operate out of the Center, through the Office of Campus Ministry. It is a hub for students of all faiths interested in exploring their spirituality and discovering what it means to be a person of faith in the world.

Named in honor of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, and John J. and Marion P. Egan, parents of former University Trustee Bill Egan ’67, P’99, the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola is the spiritual heart of Fairfield University, designed to provide a space for students to explore and discover themselves and their vocations.

Egan Chapel opened during the worldwide Ignatian Year Celebration of 1990-91, in commemoration of two milestone events in Jesuit history: the 450th anniversary of the founding of the Society of Jesus in 1540, and the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Ignatius in 1491.

Bishop Edward Michael Egan of the Diocese of Bridgeport celebrated the chapel’s dedication Mass with 40 Jesuit priests on December 7, 1990. The ceremony included the ancient rituals of anointing the chapel walls with consecrated oil, blessing the congregation with holy water, and burning incense on the altar.

The bronze sculpture behind the altar, “The Risen Christ,” was created for Egan Chapel by renowned Catholic sculptor Frederick Shrady.

Purposefully located in the center of Fairfield’s campus to affirm the University’s commitment to its Jesuit and Catholic heritage, students participate actively in liturgical and music ministries at Egan Chapel’s daily and weekend Masses, which welcome congregants from both on-campus and off-campus communities.

The lower level of the 18,000-square-foot Egan Chapel building is home to the Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Campus Ministry Center. Retreats, community service projects, social justice programs, and interfaith programs operate out of the Center, through the Office of Campus Ministry. It is a hub for students of all faiths interested in exploring their spirituality and discovering what it means to be a person of faith in the world.

The Stained Glass Windows of Egan Chapel

Who Was St. Ignatius Loyola?

Sacraments & Guidelines

Fairfield University offers several sacraments through the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola by special privilege and approval, only. These sacraments include baptisms, Catholic weddings, and funerals.

Please read through the below guidelines, policies, and procedures for Fairfield University’s Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola regarding the aforementioned sacraments.


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Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Fairfield University Baptism Guidelines

Baptisms are not regularly celebrated in the University’s Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola, since the sacrament is understood as a celebration of the Church’s faith and of admittance into the People of God, which is best and normally localized in the life of a vibrant parish community.

By special privilege, a Jesuit priest or cleric assigned to Fairfield University or Fairfield Prep may celebrate an infant baptism in the Egan Chapel for close family or friends. However, the University does not provide regular baptismal preparation for parents nor postbaptismal religious education for children and universal Church law requires these forms of catechesis to fulfill the true meaning of the sacrament of baptism and to support the parents’ primary role in the religious formation of their child.

Baptisms at Egan Chapel may be celebrated during any regularly scheduled weekend Mass at the University or at another time that does not conflict with University events in the Chapel or on campus. Baptisms are registered at St. Pius X parish in Fairfield, Connecticut, and families should be in touch with that parish when requesting a copy of the baptismal certificate for first Eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, etc.


Procedures for Parents:

  1. Confirm registration at your home parish, or register in a parish.
  2. Complete whatever baptismal preparation program your parish requires and attain a letter from your pastor confirming your participation.
  3. Select at least one practicing Catholic to be a godparent and have them complete the Diocese of Bridgeport godparent affirmation form.
  4. Contact a Jesuit priest or cleric assigned to Fairfield University or Fairfield Prep to celebrate the baptism.
  5. Schedule the date with Deb Picarazzi, Operations Assistant in Campus Ministry, and submit the signed letter and other information (child’s name, address, godparent’s name, etc.).
Baptism Form (PDF)


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Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Fairfield University Catholic Weddings Guidelines

Permission is granted to celebrate weddings at the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola at Fairfield University in accordance with Church law and diocesan regulations only to matriculating university students, alumni, current full-time employees, and children of current full-time employees of Fairfield University and Fairfield Prep.

The permanent canonical record of the marriage is kept in the Marriage Register of St. Pius X parish in Fairfield, CT.

Weddings may not be scheduled during certain University events, such as Admission Open House, Commencement, Reunion Weekend, and Alumni & Family Weekend. Couples should check with Campus Ministry to get a listing of those dates.

Applications for weddings at Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola must be received by the Office of Campus Ministry no later than six months before the scheduled wedding date. For an application to be accepted, a firm commitment from the priest or deacon who will witness the marriage must be obtained. The selection of a priest or deacon is conducted by the couple (not the University).

Requests for Convalidations

In the interest of reconciling civilly married couples with the Church’s law and expectations, Jesuits and clergy assigned to Fairfield University and Fairfield Prep may submit requests to convalidate marriages of friends and family in the Egan Chapel. The cleric is responsible for all paperwork and the use of the chapel for any celebration must be arranged with Deb Picarazzi, Operations Assistant in Campus Ministry. To avoid incurring the wedding fee ($1,500) it is the expectation that these celebrations are muted and small.


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Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Fairfield University Funeral Guidelines

As a University chapel and not a parish, the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola at Fairfield University normally celebrates funerals only for priest members of the Jesuit community. In
cases of serious pastoral need, the University Chaplain may give special permission for the funeral of a presently enrolled student, a present or former member of the University faculty,
staff, or administration. If the deceased is a resident of the Diocese of Bridgeport, his or her proper Pastor will be advised of the family's request for the funeral to take place at the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola. The place of celebration of Catholic funeral rites is guided by the Code of Canon Law: “as a rule the funeral rites for any of the faithful departed must be celebrated in his or her own parish church” (Canon 1177).

Mass Intentions

University community members may request a Mass intention to be celebrated in the Egan Chapel (where the body or cremated remains of the deceased are not present) through Deb Picarazzi, Operations Assistant in Campus Ministry.

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