Library About Student Library Advisory Board

Student Library Advisory Board

Board Membership

Fairfield University’s Library Student Advisory Board (SLAB) consists of 10-15 graduate and undergraduate students that broadly represent the academic programs and overall diversity of the Fairfield University student body. Membership is for a period of one academic year (Sept-May) and is renewable upon invitation. All students, except for students previously or currently employed by the library, may apply for a position on the advisory board by submitting an application. Students enrolled in a study abroad program that takes them away from campus for an entire semester of the academic year should not apply. New members of the board will be selected and notified by late September.

Student Library Advisory Board Mission

The DiMenna-Nyselius Library recognizes the importance of student contribution to library policies, services, facilities, resources, and programming. The primary objective of the Student Library Advisory Board is to facilitate communications and the exchange of ideas between the student body and the library administration in order to better address student needs, provide new services, and improve existing services. Board members will:  

  • Convey student needs, concerns, and priorities regarding Library services, facilities, resources, and programming.
  • Provide advice and feedback on library policies and services.
  • Provide ideas and input on the design and implementation of new library services.
  • Provide ideas and input on improving library spaces.
  • Provide the Library insight into student study, research, and library use habits.
  • Help librarians communicate information about library services and resources to the student community.

Adapted from UC San Diego

This board is strictly advisory in nature and suggestions and comments will be given to appropriate library committees as well as the Dean of the Library, who may occasionally attend meetings.


The Board meets 2-3 times each semester. Meetings will be held in-person. Board members may be invited to attend other library meetings and events or participate in the planning of library events. The Fall 2024 meetings will take place on the following Mondays from 12:30-1:45pm: Oct. 7th, Nov. 11th and Dec. 2nd. Students should only apply for board membership if available to meet on all of these dates.

Librarian Facilitator

Lisa Thornell, Head of Library Outreach & Communications

Board Members from the 2023-2024 SLAB cohort said the following in an anonymous exit survey:

  • "The experience has helped me function with a group on how to optimize the library, which can be impactful for my future."
  • "Membership on the SLAB allowed me to put theory into practice in terms of enacting change for the greater good."
  • "It was a great way to work in a group setting!"
  • "SLAB is unique, and I think more people should know about it. It is great experience collaborating on a team, and it allows for students to really have a hand in (control of) their own educational experience during college."