Student and Parent Campus Referral Guide

Familiarize yourself with this guide to make informed decisions about who to contact when you or your student has an issue or concern. This will ensure that you or your student is being connected with the most correct campus resource.

The offices/departments listed in this guide are in order of who should be contacted first. Subsequent departments listed may be utilized, if desired. We highly encourage that your student be the main point of contact unless otherwise determined. 

Alcohol Awareness

One way we help our students—your children—make the safest, healthiest decisions possible is through our partnership with EverFi, whose mission is to help students address critical life skills such as alcohol abuse prevention, financial literacy, digital citizenship, etc. in high schools and higher education institutions across the country. 

Each year over half a million students complete AlcoholEdu for College, EverFi’s online, non-opinionated, science-based alcohol abuse prevention course. This 2-3 hour program uses the latest prevention techniques and research to educate students about the impact of alcohol on the mind and body.

As part of our comprehensive alcohol prevention program, Fairfield University expects each member of the first-year class to complete this course and pass the course exam. Whether your student drinks or not, AlcoholEdu will empower them to make well-informed decisions about alcohol and help them better cope with the drinking behavior of their peers.

While we are committed to making a difference with our students, we also understand that parents are the first line of defense against alcohol misuse and abuse. EverFi offers additional content that is designed to support your conversations about alcohol that will help shape the decisions your son or daughter must make in college surrounding alcohol use.

We also encourage you to read this Parent Alcohol Handbook, which offers many insights on how to talk to your student about alcohol use and abuse.

Read The Parent Alcohol Handbook →

For more information, visit the EverFi site, which includes:

  • An overview of the AlcoholEdu for College course structure and key concepts
  • A demo video that provides you with an overview of the course experience your child will be moving through
  • Helpful resources, such as tips on talking to your college student about alcohol, warning signs of an alcohol problem, and links to additional resources.

About Sexual Harassment

We take the issue of sexual violence and sexual harassment seriously and strive to provide a safe environment where your student can live and work free from exploitation and discrimination based on gender.

We are confident that these resources will help ensure your child’s success at Fairfield and in the future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Will Johnson, Dean of Students, at 203-254-4211.

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